I think its about time

    Aug 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    OK I've been watching this game for a while, I've also been watching several other games that follow its basic design as well. Some of them have things this game really would seem to need. but lets face it this game is freeware and freeware never evolves beyound a beta unless some investor funds it. unless this game gets it's most basic missing components it is likely to do the same.

    I've been watching for some time and there is one thing this game is missing the most. its the one thing that the game would need to really develope further. right now the game feels barren, empty, cold and well, lifeless.


    there are no real npc's there is the illusion of them. yes, you mite encounter, pirate SHIPS, and if you attack shops the ocosional patrol SHIPS, maybe you mite even see the occasional distant trader SHIP bounding about. but there is nothing really there to interact with. hence, the game feels empty and lifeless. the game needs some actual characters besides the player to fix this. only this will make the game evolve beyound the simple and empty sandbox it is now.
    Jul 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    The idea of NPCs has been brought up many times, and I fully support it.

    A few corrections:

    1. This game is currently free in its alpha state, BUT it is available for pre-purchase, is being actively developed towards release, and has been greenlit on Steam.

    2. Multiplayer can compensate for the lack of interaction in single player. Sorry, but you\'ll have to replace procedurally-generated NPCs with actual living, breathing humans for now. A shame, isn\'t it :(
    Aug 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    In space no one can hear you whine about space not having enough life...

    However I think NPCs which do little more than being idling vegetables (like the NPCs in Minecraft)would take weeks to implement for schema and the pathfinding would probably lag everyones PC
    There are really more things that need to be fixed before this for example what was it... oh yeah everything
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    The fact is guys, this game is still in Alpha, you can\'t comment on such a level where you mention the fact that you \'lordWolfe\' say that some other games are doing better than this one, or have the very same theme. Yet, keep in mind, this game is still in Alpha. If you compare how Minecraft was back in Alpha, the basic things were there and they kept adding more and more. Now, look at Star Made, It started with all the basic things, you could fly mine build and more. Just wait, I mean the amount of fixes and updates these guys produce in such a short time is absolutly stunning!

    Now to come to the idea of actual NPC\'s in-game.
    As Cool3303 has mentioned, the NPC idea would take a while to create, for you\'d have to make every single NPC be able to fly anywhere, from 1,1,1 to 1000,1000,1000 any location really. Not to forget the collision with objects in the path. I\'ve seen that on some servers that some NPC\'s have allready collided with things and the server has to debug and poof them 100m to another direction. It caused a minor lag spike. Now, put that minor lag spike when moving an object just 100m away. Count that for at least 50 npc ships or even more to make space look more.. Lively. It\'ll cause a lot of lagg spikes and make the game somewhat unplayable.

    Either way, the concept of having more NPC\'s to make things look more lively would be nice. Yet, I think we will have to sit and wait to see how far Star Made will get and possibly they\'ll find a solution to adding NPC\'s without causing the servers to crash.

    But! Yes, I\'d love to see NPC\'s in-game, but just keep in mind. We\'re just in Alpha xD!