I need help!

    Aug 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    So I played for hours and made a great, giant ship. When I pressed exit, and came back, my ship was very far away! (1200 m) I had nothing (even though when I left I had things) and a shop was no where to be found. I commited suicide and spawned at a shop. When I pressed "n", my ship wasn't there. I made a tiny, quick ship to try and find it. After hours of search, my old ship is nowhere to be found, but the game says it's still there. Is there anyway I can go back where I was still on the ship? What can I do to get back on it?
    Jul 4, 2013
    Reaction score
    If you\'re in your single player world, and rememebr the name of the ship, you can use the command \"/Search (ShipName)\", after you get the sector, you can then go to said sector.

    If you can\'t, then I don\'t think there\'s much you can do apart from trying to remember the sector. But I\'ve been wrong before.