I am in need of a bit of help

    Jul 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    I am attempting to write a program that will allow me to take a ship and update the HP on the blocks. Why you may ask, because I changed the Hull for my server to up the HP, thus making them worth something to have on a ship or station, and have found that I now need to repair all my ships, including a 500k+ ship, to bring the HP back to full.

    I have looked into the SMCP, but since it doesn't even complie, that or I am doing something wrong again, I have gotten no where fast.

    So, anyone have a working code base to access the smd2 files? Also being able to fix the blueprints would be nice.
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    I tried upping the HP on my server, but realized that new blocks also spawned damaged, so gave up on it. I\'d recommend just upping the armor value instead for now.. plus it gives missiles a purpose since they ignore armor.
    Jul 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    Anything spawned with Blueprints will spawn damaged since the current HP is saved as well. New blocks seem to have full hp so far as I can tell.
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    Yeah I know health is saved in the blueprints (which sucks), but I also noticed it on new blocks I placed as well... I had to place them, then heal them so just gave up. These were blocks that I had in my inventory before I changed the server settings for the health, so maybe if the server was wiped and restarted they would be at full, but found it wasn\'t worth it.

    Try testing the health of the blocks by hitting them with AMCs, let me know if yours are full or not