Hyper drive balancing and review.

    Jun 20, 2013
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    One things this is balance about the other people ideas the hyperdrive is not out yet and I have not heard any plans to make it but I hope if they do decide its something like this. (if you see a good place for improvement say so its allwasy nice to hear new things)

    So there are many topics about hyperdrive that are interesting to read and everyone has their ideas although some make it kinda pointless to use or make it too overpowered. I hope we get a hyperdrive but before that I want to give a good idea from me and other forums that I collected a good sum up and a fair balance of a hyperdrive.

    1. By hyperdrive I mean reaching super speed to get to another place so we travel at really fast rate that normally we couldn't (duh I know :P). The way it should work is that when you activate the hyperdrive and punch in the coordinates your ship will automatically spin and aim to the sector that is far away. (We all know that the navigation system sucks as it doesn't give us shortcuts and makes us travel down up and sides ways which kinda does make the journey a little bit interesting instead of holding w all the time but sometimes if you know your space xD like I know many of my sectors so I can make really fast shortcuts and fly right to my planet instead of flying to different sector markers every time saving 5-10min.)

    This aim will look at the sector far away which means you will be taking super shortcut once the hyperdrive launches and you will fly straight to it no spins or anything, just one straight route to the destination.

    2. Hyperdrive is a great way to escape and we see it being used for that in movies like star wars or star trek (I think... never really seen start trek apart from the movie 2013) But in multiplayer that would be really unfair so the hyperdrive would not be instant or beneficial unless you drive a big ship. When activates the ship shields will be drained by 60% but if the shields are at 30% or below nothing will change as the shields are already low. This means that its not the best escape on the last minute better use it early.

    Another thing is that your power is gone be drained and depending on the size of you ship a specific amount of power will be required (by that I mean the power will be drained to the hyperdrive and once they acquire enough power will launch) but not too much even for the biggest of the ships as the only long thing about the hyperdrive.Hyper drive should have a limit on how long it can take to charge and if you have really a lot of power like my 5% completed ship that generates 700k power/s should fill the hyperdrive fairly fast but not too fast. Another disadvantage to ships that can generate a lot of power is that they will need to spin and aim to the right direction (which is done automatically like I said before) and that takes time for big ships to do so they will suffer from that

    Once hyperdrive mod is activated the guns are still usable but you cannot aim them as your ships is spining to the direction it will launch so you have limited view if any of the enemy. Also you are not able to move your ship A good way would be to reach max speed than punch in the coordinates and while your ship is on the move you prepare for the hyper launch in which you have no control expect for the guns of the ship.

    3. because you travel at supper speed our ships should be ghost like so they can travel trough planets and asteroids and other ships without hitting them. (and for low spec pc the ship could just teleport there but I really want to see the speed and enjoy the show so there should be an option saying for high pc will show the travel instead of teleport. The teleport should take as long as the travel would so it calculates the time and renders the player in the new location once the time has passed but you are safe as you have disappeared and now just waiting to get teleported in the location).

    4. In multiplayer people should be able to buy scanners that can detect your ship if it hyper launched in your sector and detect where it has travel but that will take time so you can't just fallow them right after they have hyper traveled. So this way you can still chase the enemy that you wanted to destroy but he will have the advantage as it will reach the coordinates and start traveling from there before your computer finally finds where they went. but if you do have a fast ship once you do pick up their trail and hyperdrive there they will be on a cooldown (1-3min) and wont be able to use the hyperdrive again giving you the chance to finish the job that is if they did not lead you to an ambush).

    5. (optional) this would allow players to block hyperdrive but only if the person has already entered hyperdrive and did not start in your sector. This means your computer can instantly detect other ships in hyperdrive traveling towards you which you can than block them and get a jump on them (if your fast enough to press the block which is like shooting your guns at where the ship will be so you knocked them out of the hyperdrive, something you cannot do if they are in your sector as your guns wont catch up to their speed). This allow other players to block their exist and allow blockades in sectors to prevent other from traveling trough. like setting up your territory and your sector no one goes in or pass trough your territory without you being able to do something about it.

    My main intention is to make hyperdrive more usefully at traveling faster but also available to make a quick getaway ( well not exactly a quick getaway but you know what I mean) when you get attacked by bigger ships. This would also make an interesting view. I have a star wars ship called "star destroyer venetor class" (there are actual pics in google not of starmade version but of the star wars version). Being able to quickly get into an attack mode like hyper travel to another factions home base and cause havoc with little warning for them unless they have ships set up around that will detect you which than give them the advantage as they will know where you will stop (it will show that diamond where they will land if they block their ships hyper travel that is) This way it makes protecting your home ( even though it cannot be attacked but near by ships can be attacked) a lot easier and you have the advantage so you can start firing in the location they are gone be and get the first shots if not all, taking the enemy down. It would look awesome as well one moment you look up from your planet all there to see is the sky and the next you see a ship entering from hyper travel firing away on you.

    Almost forgot ships should be placed 500-1000 meters away from the planet when the coordinates were typed in to travel to the planet. as some ships are to large to land like my one. It causes too much lag well at least to the servers not my pc yet. but there is this glitch of ships of massive scale once landed start gliching and cannot be re-entered as they keep gliching up and down kicking you away. and all you can do is destroy it if you want to get rid of it.