Hull Armer

    Good or Bad?

    • Good

      Votes: 2 33.3%
    • Bad

      Votes: 4 66.7%

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    Aug 7, 2013
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    Hull Armor
    Hello People I do believe that hulls today are COMPLETELY useless. However there is a viable solution. You see hulls should be like thrusters, the more you put on the more health they have. This should not be linear though as that would be too overpowered.

    For every hull block connected to each other they have a sudden boast in armor. The algorithm would be like this: A= (1.5n-0.4n)+50(or 25 if it’s normal hull) If A>250 then do (1.06-0.04)+50. So for every block of hull, let’s say 5 if I put it into the algorithm it would come out as 55.5 armor instead of 50 armor for a normal block. If I do the algorithm again this time with let’s say 1000 blocks connected I come out with 1100 armor. This is a little op so it has a soft cap of about 250 with diminishing returns after. This means that you would have to do 250-300 damage to even scratch the armor surface of said ship. Armor should also be a threshold type armor not a percentage. this would mean you can have more than 100 armor and not be invincible.

    Currently this would prevent damage from fighters but it still doesn’t solve the problem of capitol ships cutting through hull like butter.

    Hull also has health as most of you know and a different algorithm could be used to make health more durable as well as tough. The algorithm is H=1.2n+100 (150 for hardened hull). So again if I had 5 hulls connected I would get 106 health for said blocks. Now if I had 1000 I would get 1300 health a block.

    This basically makes it so capitols and fighters cannot rip through hull like butter or even damage something in some cases.

    Missiles on the other hand should do more damage to hulls. See missile damage against hull should increase as the armor increases. This allows (if the shields are down) fighters to damage bigger ships. It also lets players have dedicated bombers to rip through capitols hull after the mothership takes its shields down. The algorithm would be like this D=(A/100)m. Meaning that as armor increases the damage taken from a missile increases slowly. So if I had a 200 damaging missile and 250 armor I would get a 500 damaging missile to hull.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    • Wired for Logic
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    Please for the love of the search feature not another one... This has been suggested so many times. Yes hull needs improving but ships should not get a huge per block bonus just because they have a lot of hull. Your hardened hull toilet in the bowels of the ship should not have an impact on the armor rating of your ships nose. I would support localized hull bonuses but not those based on "because you're big"
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    Jun 23, 2013
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    Armour = baseHP * ((sqrt(numOfSurroundingHull) * someScalingFactor )+1)
    this would work on each hull block in the structure, so (assuming the scaling factor was 1) if you have a lone block, you would have the baseHP, 2 blocks next to eachother = 2x the HP, all the way up to 6 blocks with ~ 3.4x the base HP
    This ensures that blocks in your toilet have no effect on the actual hull, and has a limit already imposed by the fact that you cant have more than 6 blocks touching any piece of hull
    Aug 6, 2013
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    But why would a block get more armor bonus simply because its next to another? Weapons make sense because they are active systems and you are joining them together, much like a super computer consists of many other computers linked together, but hulls are "dumb" blocks with no other function then to physically be in the way of a projectile.

    All we need is a larger range of hull types, and a sort of "memory" of where hull blocks are so we can repair ships without having to manually replace missing blocks.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Structural integrity of the hull? The blocks surrounding each hull help support it and prevent it from giving under lighter damage. The damage system does need a re-write, and I think that possibly having a collective hp system per group of hull would make the most sense, but also having the value of individual blocks benafit from being in larger groups


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    You guys know we're getting a ship HP system to replace coring, right?
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Yes, but its always helpful to shoot ideas around in case the dev team hasn't thought of that aspect of a mechanic :)


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    • Railman Gold
    • Thinking Positive Gold
    A ship HP system that takes into account every block on the ship is already planned in order to replace the core kill mechanic.