Huge Plex Lifters Don't work

    Jun 23, 2013
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    Today I tried to build a space elevator from my planet to an orbiting station, but every time I try to use the Plex lifter I fall through it after I reach a certain hight. I think the issue is that the lift accelarates as it ascends untill it reaching a point where the player can't keep up and clips through. If this could be fixed soon I would really appreciate it, I'd hate to have to scrap the elevator.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I know that this sometimes happens, and the onyl temporary solution I\'ve foun is that if I am not in a gravity well and constantly holding the up button, I usually keep up. if it does accelerate, this may not fully solve it for really big lifts, but it has helped me.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Unfortunately I am in a gravity well, and the lift is about over a thousand blocks tall, so that probably won\'t work for me.
    Jul 6, 2013
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    i had a simillar problem whilst making my \"skylift\", solved it by doing lifts in sets of 10 broken up by a random hull (white is good because its easy to see for the next part.) when the lift reaches the end of its line of 10 the white block blocks it, you then activate the next set of 10 and the new lift should take you up. this has worked perfectly so far, but does require you to pay attention to how close the next set is... so no gazing in wonder at the awsom view of your plannet. when the lift gets to the end of its set of 10 ther is a few seconds (like 5/8secs) before the lift realises it is \"stuck\" on the white one and deletes its self, so you do need to pay attention to when you need to activate the next line. doing lifts like this also means there is no limit to how tall your lift is so enables all sorts of cool orbital lift stations :).. if this topic is still active i hope this helps :)
    Jul 29, 2013
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    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
    This is a problem I really hope is fixed in the future. Plex lifters are a very cool feature in Starmade and their inability to function in their role as elevators over long distances just fills me with sadness.