How to Make Planets Worth Owning?

    Feb 10, 2014
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    I ask this because currently there is no good reason to claim a planet.
    I have thought about it but have come up with nothing good.


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    I ask this because currently there is no good reason to claim a planet.
    I have thought about it but have come up with nothing good.
    Yeah, stuff really needs to grow on planets, to make them a renewable resource, so that a planet's ultimate fate can be something other than just salvage (not just wood and flowers, but also crystals, and to a much lesser extent, valuable ores to simulate rich, cooling magma deposits). Stuff should be able to grow in more artificial environments also, but automatic, natural growth should be so efficient and so common on planets that artificial resource growth systems can't keep up with planets without becoming the size of entire solar systems. (With that said, even the most efficient resource generators, such as trees, shouldn't run wild and generate resources too quickly on a planet's surface. Otherwise, the economy will be overrun with free items.)

    On the other hand, secret underground bases are fun. At least until Grand Moff Tarkin tests a death star laser, turning any underground bases into roiling, fiery, explosive coffins.


    Wiki Administrator
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    i've always thought that resources should be limited to a planet type. kind of like how astroids always have the same crystal and ore. that way planets are more valuable by type.

    next the ability to passively generate resources should be added as an exclusive to planets should be added. say in the form of a deep core miner computer (with effect modules to increase the speed) that passively generates the resource from planets on a per plate basis( so players have a reason to build/industrialize the entire planet rather than just one plate). by passive I mean it will create ores/crystals rather than delete the ore/crystal blocks and replace them (it wouldn't be as memory intensive either). it won't be nearly as efficient as mining by hand or using a salvager but the idea is that planets can be a assured source of income in the mid-late game. there could also be a credit/resource upkeep to make sure that its not too OP.

    by owning more planets u can generate more resources but at the same time owning more planets makes u a target for pirates who will starting attacking all of your outposts. meaning that theirs a risk to owning everything.


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    This is interesting. I would like to see something like this added, as well as organic resources, or maybe a combination.

    Growing crystals has been suggested before, but I haven't seen it linked specifically to planets. If crystals could ONLY be grown on planets, or if particular crystals could be grown on particular planets, it could be really interesting. What I'd really like to see is some more complicated infrastructure so that at least some micromanagement is required for slow, unlimited resource gain from crystal/ore production.

    As with anything, balancing is the biggest concern with renewable crystals.
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    Jun 19, 2014
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    Yay! I consider myself an expert on renewable crystals. If you haven't seen my thread on it, search 'crystal' and you should find it (or search all the threads created by me).

    But anyway. I love the idea of making crystal farms. I also hope that we can somehow also grow ores. I thought that making imbued trees to grow the ores would be a cool idea. I also would like to see a way to 'grow' rocks. But that should then only be able to be done in asteroid sectors.

    And linking growing crystals to planets has got to be one of the best ideas ever. I hate hearing people say that planets are only for salvaging materials, and I hope this will change that.

    I'd also like to see that factions need planets to so certain things.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    I'd also like to see that factions need planets to so certain things.
    I've thought about the idea of factions needing their homebase to be a planet, but I think that would be unfair. Some people might actually want to have station bases instead.

    I think what @Crimson-Artist is suggesting would be a great way to make players lay claim to planets more. With the upcoming introduction of creatures, perhaps they should need atmosphere to survive, which is annoying and expensive to produce in the large amount of space a creature habitat needs. Perhaps certain creatures could naturally produce small amounts of the ore from their planets in their bodies, so you could farm them on planets for resources.
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    Jun 15, 2014
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    there could be creatures that produce rare resources. they produce more when they are in their natural habit
    Aug 23, 2014
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    first of all..... We really need space chickens... Free Range Space Chickens....

    Secondly, I think you're right. If there's an exposed core, the core should slowly "heal" itself by generating rock and minerals around itself. It should generate this pretty much anywhere there's room too, even carving out new caves in the process.
    Sep 4, 2013
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    If You would need food, water and air to survive, planets would have much higher value.

    Let's say that You can produce air and food in synthetic way but not very efficient so You would need to create huge machinery to be completly indepedient from planets resources.


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    first of all..... We really need space chickens... Free Range Space Chickens....

    Secondly, I think you're right. If there's an exposed core, the core should slowly "heal" itself by generating rock and minerals around itself. It should generate this pretty much anywhere there's room too, even carving out new caves in the process.
    OOH! I really like that idea. Perhaps some machinery could be involved in getting more ore and stuff to grow than normal at an astronomical energy cost.[DOUBLEPOST=1412810966,1412810809][/DOUBLEPOST]
    If You would need food, water and air to survive, planets would have much higher value.

    Let's say that You can produce air and food in synthetic way but not very efficient so You would need to create huge machinery to be completly indepedient from planets resources.
    I've wanted those features for so long, as have a number of players. Sadly, much of the community balks at the idea because they are afraid of micromanagement. Honestly, I think such micromanagement is fun, and it's even more fun designing and building machinery to do it for you (or for someone else... = $$$ = more spaceship parts = :D).
    Nov 16, 2013
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    Planets are useful, I test my weapons on them lol. But seriously they can be more useful. Like a mine able rare resource, or farming lol
    Nov 16, 2013
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    We shall harness the power of the cow farts!!! And use them as weapons?? To much???
    Jun 15, 2014
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    If a cow manure block splatters when it hits something, it can be used to blind people and also you will have to add something to clean the window or camera maybe if you go over 100km/m it slides off.
    Aug 23, 2014
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    We shall harness the power of the cow farts!!! And use them as weapons?? To much???
    When they implement atmosphere into the game, you can use cow farts as a biological agent delivery system. Trojan cows....


    Nov 14, 2013
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    This... is basically the one thing I'm really worried about in this game. Sure, people can just keep expanding outwards, but eventually that'll just leave you with an empty universe and the occasional asteroid or pirate base someone didn't bother with because just chewing up planets is so much better.
    May 5, 2014
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    Hm how about having planet cores being the only renewable source of ores in the universe? Since we cannot conceivably mine out an entire planets core it also means holding and protecting planets brings resources or revenue to a faction.

    A special AI "platform" [basically an ai ship that stays in orbit around a planet while firing a "mining beam"] will harvest the materials. The beam will not remove blocks but will generate 2-4 types of ore/crystal etc per cycle[whatever that is].

    I dislike the idea that you can home base a money making/ resource making device so having some extractor on the planet doesn't sit right with me. Something that you can just forget about then come back to it and just get free stuff with no input... I'll just say doesn't feel right.

    The ideas about life support oxygen and etc aren't all that realistic since air and water is the same no matter if its made right, food is different in that regard but still good balance wise and game play wise.


    SPICY hot dog child
    Apr 26, 2013
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    Planets should have large pockets full of resources, and mining stations should be set up to be run by AI or NPC characters so that the resources can be collected autonomously, thus making setting up bases on planets and taking territory more valuable.
    Mar 15, 2014
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    First way to make planets worth owning again... cookies, not spheres. COOKIES. Bring them back. I feel like quitting the game every time I get near a planet and my whole game lags down to only a few FPS. New planets are a huge drain on CPU/GPU resources compared to old. Also allow us to turn off atmospheres and the day/night mesh that rotates around them.

    2nd - core mining, great idea. The shaft or "drill" must touch the magma.

    3rd - renewable resources, "growing". Sure, but this will require "ticks", a certain time cycle, like the current "tick" per AI simulation for pirates and TG. Ticking too often will imbalance planets.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    First way to make planets worth owning again... cookies, not spheres. COOKIES. Bring them back. I feel like quitting the game every time I get near a planet and my whole game lags down to only a few FPS. New planets are a huge drain on CPU/GPU resources compared to old. Also allow us to turn off atmospheres and the day/night mesh that rotates around them.

    2nd - core mining, great idea. The shaft or "drill" must touch the magma.

    3rd - renewable resources, "growing". Sure, but this will require "ticks", a certain time cycle, like the current "tick" per AI simulation for pirates and TG. Ticking too often will imbalance planets.
    You can't have both cookies and magma cores. It's one or the other.