Homebases and Sector Protection - Server.cfg and config


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Since I cannot play on sunworld.at anymore (see bugs), I look for a new server and tested a many things in my sandbox.

    I also found these two threads on the NASS Forum.

    http://nasszone.com/mybb/showthread.php?tid=60 (Clogged (big ships) sector, user can't log in without lagging a very long time)
    http://nasszone.com/mybb/showthread.php?tid=49 (King of the hill for some game-goal)

    Also I found rules (the-rebel-alliance, NASS) which forbid home bases close to spawn.

    Note: NASS also has no friction, that means that un-docked ships will fly infinitely.

    Now I've got a new idea - add settings for:

    • BASE_DISTANCE = x // sectors existing home bases (nobody can make a new home base (maybe neither stations?) there)

      Would make 1 rule from most servers obsolete.
    • Sometimes you just over-looked some sector, build awesome stuff and then notice, that you placed too close and later are attacked from a distant spot everytime you leave your sector. That is not fun.

    [*]ORBIT = 0 // 0=disabled; Add 1 to enable orbit-docking around planets, 2 to enable orbit-docking while in the same sector, 3 and 5 to enable docking in the 3x3x3 surrounding sectors of planets;

    • Orbit docking automatically attachs ships to either a planet's x/y/z coordinate (1) or zero-speed as long as no player is inside a ship and AI for the ship (not turrets) is disabled (2,3).
    • Mainly for lolsized ships far away from home.

      Everybody can crash.
    • Everybody can run suddently out of time.
    • Some servers may shutdown for an hour and then. suddently restart at an unexpected moment.

    [*]Flying close to a planet's "docking dildo" warped me into sunworld's EXIL more than one time, but my ship was smaller than 300^3 (800 length = absolute max allowed there, some titans have 3-4 km).

    [*]HOMEBASE_PROTECTION = 0 // 0=docked only; 1=also astronauts of own faction within atmosphere; 2= sectorwide (only faction+allies).

    Can you make a docking-line from your home base into another sector? I think it is possible, thus you can make invulnerable turrets all around your star system and even build into another one's home - with no radar signature from the station itself.

    I know, that is cheating. But imagine someone doing this. With sector-protection, the protection only applies to entities within the same sector, even though they are docked.

    I think nobody want to make a docking module which extends over 3 sectors for a turret with the core in your home, rather than a distant small one :)

    EDIT: removed (for BASE_DISTANCE) "around spawn and". Reason/Update:

    A protection.cfg or protection.xml where you can not only protect single sectors, but a box limited by lower and upper coordinates would improve the servers a lot:

    • It would make a setup for spawn + surrounding sectors easier. It would allow to setup a large RolePlay and/or trading sun system.
    • PvP Zones which are partially protected, but peoples which fight each other (teams) are allowed to damage each other.

    • Different backgrounds (nebula sectors) to clearly indicate Spawn, Protected, PvP or RP sectors.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    I agree that this should be implemented... I would love to see this for my server when I get it completed...

    And they should make it so no other faction could enter like the /sector_chmod command with the faction ids so like this /sector_chmod [+/-] [faction_block] [faction id] and the + or - would add or remove the faction Id