Hologram Designing

    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    There can be a blueprint item that you can edit. it would place a holographic view of the ship that only you and possibly friends u want to help you with can see with maybe a designing table block of some sort.

    Then when your done you can put the blueprint item into a builder computer block, witch would be connected to builders that possibly shoot beams. and it would build the ship like that. This would create the need for spaceports as well.

    This could also be implemented for buying ships as well.

    1. Ship Blueprint (Can also be saved and exported)

    1. Design Computer (Multiple players with permission/faction can help design)
    2. Ship Construction Computer (links Replicator Beams together)
    3. Replicator Beam (builds the ship)
    Jun 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    A good idea. If you get rid of the Catalog or make it\'s a server-wide toggle then you could have people become shipbuilders. If you want to purchase a ship then com to Mikes Ship Emporium!!!

    But, with people building ships, buying ships is not something people are willing to do if it involves flying 60 sectors. Unless it\'s at spawn or near it, then I feel the business would not be so good.