Bug Holding LControl Drops FPS


    Cobalt-Blooded Bullet Mirror
    May 12, 2014
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    I must be playing a lot more now, I'm realising how much of a noob I really am and need to get more help! xP

    So, when I'm flying a ship and hold LControl to roll my FPS drops from 60 to 9. This was with default key bindings. When I was getting annoyed I checked the keys and changed all other keys using LControl to something else and I still get the FPS drop.

    Any suggestions? I never got this problem before the update. ;)

    Note that I just recently updated from the rail update to the HP update's current version, I don't know if this problem exists before the patch or not.

    Edit: Wasn't happening in astronaut mode a few minutes ago, now it is. No idea why. :confused:

    Edit2: It's not my computer, it can run MechWarrior Online at perfect speed.

    The problem goes away if I make a new map and play in it, but comes back after I jump in a turret and then back out, from then on the game slows down 50 FPS any time, and anywhere I hold down LControl.

    I'm assuming the game is still trying to check if you can roll (as if you were still in the turret) but even when in astronaut mode.

    Edit3: I seems if you jump in the same turret and back out a second time the problem stops, I haven't been able to get it to come back now! :P So it isn't much of an annoyance anymore! Yay!
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    Jul 6, 2013
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    I'm not sure about lcontrol during flying but if your computer is starting to run close to its limit holding down lcontrol in build mode to access advanced building can lag a lot. But only when your getting close to your computers limits.


    Cobalt-Blooded Bullet Mirror
    May 12, 2014
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    I'm not sure about lcontrol during flying but if your computer is starting to run close to its limit holding down lcontrol in build mode to access advanced building can lag a lot. But only when your getting close to your computers limits.
    It's definetly not my computer, that's for sure. :P (I run MechWarrior Online at 70+ FPS)

    Reilly Reese

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    I wish mine could do that :(

    *Kicks computer*


    Cobalt-Blooded Bullet Mirror
    May 12, 2014
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    Very strange. If I create a new world I don't get the problem at all, :confused: weird!
    [DOUBLEPOST=1435339948,1435339478][/DOUBLEPOST]Just did some testing, the map is fine until I ride a turret, then when I hold LControl anywhere in the map controlling anything the FPS drops by about 55. This might be the game still testing to see if you can roll, even when you aren't in a turret (such as astronaut mode.)

    Edit: Summary in Edit2 in main post now! ;)