hey, everyone... whats up? I'm Do A Barrel Roll

    Dec 10, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    hi guys... hows it goin? Im Do A Barrel Roll-- but you can call me Jon-- and i'm rather new to this game. ive only just heard about StarMade through a mutual friend from Minecraft who started playing this game recently as well (not sure what his username is on here yet either), and I hope that once I get the hang of how this game's whole UI/dynamic works, that I can start building stuff and getting on with it, as well as definitely making more friends on here. one of the things i hope to succeed in building is a fully-functioning 1:1 scale model of the Imperial Cruiser, from Star Wars.... *maybe. I know that sounds a lil bit too ambitious, even for a beginning builder such as i am, but we'll see how that goes. for now, like I said, im still new here and only just learning the ropes.... yes, im a newb (for now), but bear with me. :/ If you have any comments, questions, etc, feel free to ask... im all ears. thanks! later. :D