Hello fellow star makers!

    Jul 12, 2013
    Reaction score
    Hello everyone I've been Playing star made for a week or so now and have been browsing the forms heavily so I figurd it's about time to say hello. First off a huge virtual high five to the devs of this game, even in this early alpha stage this game is insainly entertaining and has a good challenge to it with pvp and the weapon/module system is well done too. I followed minecraft from alpha and played my share of it but over time it seemed a bit dull (I built my castle and TNT cannon defenses but learned that there's not much of a point if you don't get besieged by anyone!) however the sandbox gaming is the only form of game I've found holds my interest and so I was happy to stumble upon starmade with a google search. The other compliment for the devs is the constant updates and active forum support, it's really nice to see you pour so much effort into hearing people's feedback and working non stop despite being a small group (from what I've heard) anyway aside from the thanks for an awesome start to what seems like a game that will set some standards (with personal items and other updates in the works that seem like this game will be an epic combination of fps, building simulation, rpg, and strategy) I just wanted to say hello to the ever expanding community see you all in the stars!

    p.s. I know this isn't the faction form but if anyone reads this I am looking for a faction to join that works as a team and has a good structure. I've joined a few start up ones but they seem to disband after a day or two (public servers) send me a message if you need someone who loves trying to design new ships and work as a team player! (Combat is also my thing) :)