Headbob and sounds

    Feb 14, 2014
    Reaction score
    This is a small suggestion, but I think they should add some headbob while you're affected by gravity as well as footstep sounds for the surface you're stepping on.

    It's small, but it definetly makes you feel like you're not just floating everywhere. I noticed the difference especially after the update today in Space Engineers when they added these things, which definetly made a noticeable difference when walking and sprinting around. Just right as well, not too much, but enough to feel that you're walking.

    I think this would be the first step in improving infantry.
    Aug 28, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Top Forum Contributor
    • Legacy Citizen
    As long as it\'s an option, because having the view bob when my head isn\'t would give me motion sickness. Maybe if the HUD bobbed instead it would be better, like having my helmet moving on my head.

    As for footsteps, certainly add those.