Hackable Faction Base?


    Jun 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    You know that gun you start out with on your player that does like 5 damage? The hand held not-ship gun? Add a new weapon for hacking, that's like a beam that takes time. Make it so that the faction core must be exposed enough for players to get to and be able to hack, or maybe make it so while you are attempting a hostile take over of a plent, you can do block damage with that hand held gun you're using, not with ship guns though. THis would reveal the location of the faction terminal that you need to hack which is invulnerable.

    Firewall blocks would be added to the planet to increase the difficulty of hacking. This makes it take longer to hack the faction base. More players means more hacking speed, more firewalls means more hacking time. Firewalls may need a rate like the shields do so that when you have to many firewalls, it won't help as much anymore. This allows invulnerable planets to be captured by another faction and destroyed or taken over.

    I just thought it's better than giving everyone an immortal planet so that they can have no defenses at it at all and be perfectly safe and stuff. I was told that faction bases are invulnerable, as I recall they used to be and still are apparently. I just don't like invulnerable stuff as it makes it so someone can build a troll base and be perfectly safe. Or ruins the game because wars are no longer valid if you can't actually destroy the other person.
    Aug 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    along with their owner, you NEED an indestructible home base to keep your ships and loot at while not playing. Would you like to log in the next day, only to find someone stole everything you\'ve got? Bad idea.


    Jun 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    If you have a faction who doesn\'t have night staff, well you\'re screwed. This promotes keeping your faction base hidden, and well staffed. Hiring people to defend it while you\'re away. One simple guard can kill an intruder before he can hack the base. If they come in with a 10 man squad, then you will have to hope you placed enough firewalls to last long enough for someone to get on. Indestructible bases makes it pointless to attack a faction. You\'re all invulnerable. You can\'t actually kill any factions because you just can\'t win. \"Oh poo, I lost the battle, lets go back to my invulnerable base, mass produce some more stuff and get right back to it!\"
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Competition Winner - Stations
    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
    • Legacy Citizen 10
    A better solution to this problem is to only make the base indestructible, not anything docked to it. This will promote hangers for all the ships and allow for a faction to effectively attack an enemy, for they can destroy ships and turrets, but will allow well created bases to prevent trolls from destroying their stuff while off line.