Great Powers, Secondary Powers, and Spawn Emissaries

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    Press F to pay respects
    Feb 17, 2015
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    Disclaimer: This idea may or may not be feasible under current admin commands and editing that can be done.

    HOWEVER, operating under the assumption that it is, and even if only partially feasible, here is my spiel:

    After loading up a single-player game and spawning in a home system of 12 (count'em, TWELVE) planets, I had an idea.

    Great powers and secondary powers.

    If you have ever played a paradox game (my only one is Vicky 2), you might know what I am getting at. For those that haven't, the disparity will be clear in a little bit.

    The top 8 (or 6, or 10, or 12) largest factions on the server all receive an emissary in the spawn system. In this case, it is in the form of a planet that they get to customize that is faction claimed and indestructible (or something). Each faction must have a "great hall" or some structure that contains dozens of display monitors describing the faction and whatnot, and a warpgate to their region of space, or empire. Also, make it look good.

    These will just be the normal planets of the spawn system, they wont be lined up or anything, just the normal planets with there normal orbits. Except they will be customized and imported into the game and hopefully look very cool!


    How do you decide who's empires are the greatest?

    At first, I really did not know, but after thinking about it, I thought of the obvious: Territory. Not player count, not "biggest fleet" (might be hard to judge and be bias to established factions who just dock duplicates of everything to home-base) but territory.

    The number of sectors owned is determined by both player activity, FP income/expenses, and how defended they are. The ones with the largest player bases might have a bunch of inactive players, the ones with the largest fleet could just have everything tethered to faction base to avoid the risk of some paint being nicked (plus it is hard to quantify that, and it is more work for admins) but the amount of territory that a faction owns might just be the ticket.

    Of course, there will always be the douchecanoe that flies around, blowing up planets in that factions territory while they are asleep/at work/at school, and I don't know how to fix that besides having bigger offline defenses and long ranged cannons and missiles. You could always move to a different spiral arm, or something. And if your a rising secondary power, you could launch a conquest to knock out other peoples faction blocks.

    Secondary powers wont have a planet as an emissary in the spawn system. If a secondary power rises to beat the trailing great power, I think their should be a period of 3 days to a week (to get the weekend players in) for the trailing GP to remedy the situation, if they fail, whither it be to other GP meddling or internal rot, the planet is deleted (the save is kept/sent to the old faction players or something, for potential re-use) and the new faction provides a planet for the admins to load in.

    Sure, you could always say that stations are easier, and a more effective way, but there are a limited number of planets in a sector, where as the number of stations is like 20. It's crazy. I also want the planets to be protected just like their main faction home, so griefers can't raise hell and make a big mess for everyone to clean up.


    Also, perks for being one of the few Great Powers/World Powers/Server Powers.

    Each week, there can be a global, aka server wide, policy that the factions vote on, for things like +5% to Effective Block Heath, or Shields, or refining/crafting, or mining, or cool downs/jump distance/weapon strength, just something. Small, but fun stuff! Maybe we can do things like an counsel, that Great Power delegates can appoint members too in the server.

    Help me out, I need Ideas for what the GP's can do that the secondary powers can't do.

    What do you think of the idea?

    for the TLDR(jerks): the 6-12 (even number) largest factions in territory size each get a planet in the spawn system to advertise their faction to new players and do events and stuff. If a faction without an 'emissary' planet grows bigger than a faction with a planet, that faction has a set time to be stronger than the weakest great power. If they succeed, the current planet is removed, and a custom planet (provided by said faction, and is decorative, with halls and cities and docks and neon signs) is spawned in its place.

    Just another way for the powers to interact with each other.
    Jul 31, 2013
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    Coming from a server where a system similar to this is already in use, I like the idea of making it easier to manage or even partially automated. Not for everybody, but it could surely add a new dimension to factional politics and warfare.
    Of course, there will always be the douchecanoe that flies around, blowing up planets in that factions territory while they are asleep/at work/at school, and I don't know how to fix that
    Server choice.
    Jul 29, 2013
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    Yeah, you can do this already. What makes it cool and unique is that it's not a system supported by the game. I also have a similar on TRAF's Starmade. Unfortunately, adding the functionality to the game limits the system for everybody who wants to implement it exactly in their own way.

    My advice, figure out how you want it done, implement it by getting clever with admin commands.


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    Could you reduce emissary territory to a single planetary plate, and have all of them located on a single planet? Having them all together on a single planet might lead to some interesting and quest-able dilemmas that wouldn't happen if they were on separate planets.

    (Quest idea: The Trade Guild Emissary has been murdered. Investigate his estate there and get a clue on whodunnit. If the trade guild had their own emissary planet, the closest non-trade ship would be the prime suspect. A planet full of npcs, any of whom could stroll to the estate unseen, would be much harder to unravel and possibly be more fun.)


    Press F to pay respects
    Feb 17, 2015
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    Nice idea! I think we need to wait on the game to progress to that point to allow for stuff like that, but that would be awesome :)


    Space Triangle Builder
    Jan 12, 2014
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    Just want to point out that wars (at least in my experience) have been very mobile in the *organized* universe. That is, once war happens, both sides quickly lose their outlying territories from offline snipes and titan bumrushes. After that, it's a slow drag of attrition until one side is camping the enemy homebase with an Ultra (500K+ mass). Or five.

    So if your universe is frequented by wars, this might be hard to maintain. Peaceful servers (current MushroomFleet, for example) would love this though.
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