Gravity Generators

    Dec 31, 2012
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I gotta say the gravity generator is awsome, however there are a few things that bother me.
    It is strange that I have to turn it on after I pilot the ship, even if it was already turned on. I thought it would be cool if it was able to be always on. That being said I know there is the issue of re-entry to the ship. What I think would be cool is whenever a gravity block is placed you can select it with "c" and change the dimentions of the field to suit your needs; a box like the current green turret box would be good for visuals. I also would like the gravity to exist even when I leave the field, but in-case I am having a hard time getting back in the ship or station a way to remotely turn it on or off (all gravity blocks attached to the object at once). Whatcha think? Other than that and a few other things I must say I am very hopefull for this game, it looks very promising and look forward to purchasing. Erm, also will there be shaped blocks? Like slopes for smoothing out my ship?
    Mar 7, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I like the idea of the generators, but I haven\'t gotten round to using them yet.
    What I have seen of them, they aren\'t very customizable, so to say we can\'t really choose WHERE the gravity-field is, which kind of bugs me.

    Perhaps a suggest could be that the field is active only in an enclosed area? Say you build a completed enclosed room then place a generator in it, the gravity will take affect inside the room but not outside? Just a suggestion :D
    Jan 1, 2013
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    they do have a range, its not small though, maybe 25-50 blocks? i havent actually tried to find out
    Feb 6, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    The range extends with the ship, as far as I can tell. It\'s annoying if you fall off the ship while gravity is active since you end up having to float all the way back to it, which is frustrating because the movement when freefloating is slooow.
    Having the field fill only the room it\'s in wouldn\'t work for me, since my ship has many rooms, and I don\'t want a gravity block in each one.
    It would probably be best if it worked the way it does now, except with customisable width, height, and length. Maybe it could work like the docking blocks where you need to add enhancer modules, except it should also be able to be a custom size not just a massive square that is 50x the height of your ship but barely fits the length >^> Where more enhancer modules lets your field fill a greater amount of space (in blocks,) rather than increasing the size of it in all dimensions.

    I would like if it was always-on though.

    P.S., there are already shaped blocks (slopes and slope corners,) but they are limited to a couple different orientations right now. Not sure if Schema plans on adding more or not.
    May 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I really wish you could customize a gravity generator\'s direction of \"down\". It\'d open up so many interesting possibilities for spaceship design.

    But mainly I just have a yearning to build a \"realistic\" spaceship where \"down\" is towards the direction of thrust rather than perpendicular to it. :)
    Dec 30, 2012
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    Benguin is right, the gravity box makes all the area of the ship, all of it\'s blocks, in the gravity field.

    So there\'s no point in changing that... and needing more gravity boxes, or doing some crazy stuff with \"now the gravity field is up, now it\'s down\" while going through a corridor, etc.


    Meat Popsicle
    May 29, 2013
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    These need to stay on after you leave the area. I was experimenting by putting them on some space mines lastnight, and I thnk they would work great if they would only stay on after I leave the area.