Gravity Field Generator

    Oct 21, 2013
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    The current gravity block is good, but it isn't the best that could be done. in advance i apologize if this is already a planned change for down the road, but the gravity on ships just doesnt feel natural. having to have a bunch of blocks placed at every entrance.

    If the current block was changed to some sort of gravity field generator which would create gravity the same way, so the code wouldn't need an entire rewrite, but would kick in when a player enters a vessel with the field block, no more docking a ship but being 'upside down' making it difficult to reach the gravity block to activate it.

    I have had instances where relative to the 'up' axis my main ship was upside down, so when i docked a smaller one to it i exited and was unable to reach the gravity block because i couldn't look 'up' enough to see it or move to it.
    Nov 20, 2013
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    Block IDs 411 and 413 are area trigger logic blocks, which may be linked to a Gravity Block. I have not personally tested, but they might make it so that if a person is in their field, they'd send a signal to the block to give that person gravity.
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    Mar 16, 2014
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    Sorry to bump this thread. But I was about to make a suggestion that was exactly this. I had started using the area trigger blocks and tying that to a gravity block like Tydeth had mentioned, but its a little buggy and doesn't always seem to trigger and behaves a little funny if someone crosses it a few times, etc.

    It would just be nice to have a gravity generator so if your within the ships "field" you are always aligned. It also makes it so that in PVP someone boarding your ship is aligned automatically and they can't just fly around.

    This would add a little more realism as well.

    As this could break the ship elevator system perhaps a workaround for that should be implemented first. Teleportation rooms to teleport from one room to the other perhaps? Anyways - thats for another suggestion (That I am sure someone else has already made).


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    As this could break the ship elevator system perhaps a workaround for that should be implemented first. Teleportation rooms to teleport from one room to the other perhaps? Anyways - thats for another suggestion (That I am sure someone else has already made).
    Manually activating a gravity module could override the standard gravity field, preventing this from being a problem.

    I'd love this, especially because it'd allow you to bind vehicles to a ship or station's gravity.
    Aug 18, 2013
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    Always have Ship Gravity Generators on the top of your ship. But they could add a Station Gravity Generator working like the gravity of a planet. And the more of that are in a square, the stronger the gravity field would be...


    Dec 31, 2013
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    The current gravity block is good, but it isn't the best that could be done. in advance i apologize if this is already a planned change for down the road, but the gravity on ships just doesnt feel natural. having to have a bunch of blocks placed at every entrance.
    It would just be nice to have a gravity generator so if your within the ships "field" you are always aligned. It also makes it so that in PVP someone boarding your ship is aligned automatically and they can't just fly around.
    I made a system built of about 15 logic blocks that control an airlock and automatically put you into gravity.
    With the template system you can automatically place it.

    I used area triggers the third block above wedges after a flat floor to detect reliable flying players (they will most of the time touch the below-ceiling blocks)

    The only downside to this is that:
    1. your air-locks need to be 5m height (inclusive floor/ceiling) and 4 blocks wide entrance to allow for unaligned players.
    2. the logic draws additional space
    ... giving the airlock a volume of approximately 125+ m^3 if you don't want to show open logic.

    As this could break the ship elevator system perhaps a workaround for that should be implemented first. Teleportation rooms to teleport from one room to the other perhaps? Anyways - thats for another suggestion (That I am sure someone else has already made).
    The greater challenge is to not start gravity when you enter a ship from the side or leave your cockpit from a small ship while in the boundary box of a big ship.

    But you could just detect "above topmost block" and "below topmost block and above bottommost block" and "below bottommost block".
    Jun 6, 2014
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    well they already seem to be area field, a hack fix by the devs would be to check if a player is within range of the gravity every few seconds, and activate, IF a switch was set to on for the generator...
    of course, this only works if you are from "above" the ship... since you'd fall off immediately otherwise. but it gives a quick fix, whilst providing minimal work.
    Aug 18, 2013
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    Or simply add a block with gravity like a planet... but much much weaker... so you'd have 2-5 on an asteroid and still be able to jump like 10-20 blocks (slowly, and pushing the asteroid in the other direction, even if just a bit)