Gravity doors!

    Jun 23, 2013
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    We could have a variant of plexidoors that adds the effect of gravity when you walk through it and takes it away when you walk back through, you could also make it so that other doors pick up if you have the gravity effect and then remove it.

    eg. you could have a 3 wide by 2 high corridor as you enter one side it adds gravity and when you walk through the door at the other end it removes it.

    For those who play minecraft, think of it as it adds a status effect the first time you walk through it but gets remove when you go back through it (or another one.)

    Let me know what you think!


    Jul 1, 2013
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    i think its a better idea than gravity fields for ships and i support this idea.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Another thing could be that doors can be locked, I know this idea could be a bit usless, but it would help especially if the idea of forced ship on ship breaching is made.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Doors are effectively locked if you\'re not in the same faction.

    I don\'t like the original suggestion because it assumes too much.

    Let\'s say I open the door to my ship, and I walk in. You\'re suggesting that the gravity automatically turns on? And when I leave, the gravity turns off? Why? What point is there to gravity being on or off when you\'re not on the ship, and how would you even know? Perhaps the gravity block should be a persistent setting, so you turn it on and it stays on, until you turn it off?

    Otherwise, let\'s say my friend walks onto the ship with me. Then he leaves. The door turns off gravity, and I\'m still in the room. What was pretty simple (turn on the gravity if you want it on, turn it off if you don\'t) now becomes a check for whether anyone is in the room, and you also have to define what a room is. Currently, I really don\'t think the game is defining spaces in ships as if it knows what you use them for. It\'s just a space without blocks in it. That keeps it simple.

    Personally, I started placing gravity blocks inside doorways on the floor, just so I can turn gravity on as soon as I enter. It\'s like a light switch in your wouldn\'t want lights to turn on and off when a door opens, because it would be over-complicated for a light to determine if anyone is still in the room.

    So, I could see having gravity be a persistent setting- stays on until you turn it off, and off until you turn it on, whether you\'re on the ship or not. But, I think it would just create more complexity where there\'s no need by going further.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    how would It know which side is \"inside\" the ship and which side is \"outside\" you could end up with gravity on the outside of your ship and 0 G\'s inside your ship. It would make the game weird, though in theory it is a good idea.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    @sortin I would guess that the gravity effect would be per player so for example you have player A and player B both in a ship that are both under the effect of the gravity. Then player A leaves the ship through the \"gravity door\" and is no longer effected by gravity, player B who is still in the ship and is still under the gravity effect until he passes through the \"gravity door\".

    @A Box of Crayons The simple answer for that would be to have it directional which way you have it you would adjust when placing it like you do with some blocks now. so one side of the \"gravity door\" block would be set as the entry side (which turns on gravity when you pass through from that direction and when you pass back through it turns gravity off)
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Fraggle, that is exactly how i was thinking of it working! Thank you for explaining better than i could.
    Jul 7, 2013
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    what if instead of you having to spend alot of money why not everything have gravity the more block join together the stronger it is but for the to work starmade would have to have something to find the center of all objects and the work out how strong the gravity is and blah blah blah but that would be cool wouldnt it
    Jul 11, 2013
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    good idea, that was i have a hallway ship, or had, and maybe some heat seeking doors, where when your say, 3 blocks from heat seeker the door activates and when you walk through it shuts


    Social Media Director
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Many people have expressed the same point. Defining what is inside and what is outside is difficult in a game like this. There are endless possibilities. The easiest way to make it work like a dock, where the gravity is orientated to affect an area, if you enter the are then gravity is applied. You could increase the area exponentially by onwly adding a few gravity blocks. Considering gravity gen requires no power then this system shouldnt take up much space or power either. It could also have the same functionality it has now, where one could activate its different states. It could always be on, off, or active to whoever is in the gravity field. Now THAT sounds like itd work. And frankly in all of science fiction I havent heard of a doorway or forcefield that determined gravity. It just worked in unison with forcefields that kept in oxygen. Thus gravity units should stay exactly what they are.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    This IS an easy solution, it works much the same way as the gravity blocks do now. You walk through the door, it\'s like turning gravity on. You walk through again (Even if you went around the doors and came through the same way) then gravity turns off.

    If you fall too far away from the closest point of the ship to you, then gravity turns off by default, much like it does now.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Perhaps instead of having doors, or as suggested in other threads: forcefields (I do think something like this for Hangers should be added), that directly turn gravity on/off for a player/ship, they instead act like a pressure plate in Minecraft, and can be \'linked\' with other blocks, so that when a ship/player passes through a forcefield/Plexdoor (they will still block other factions) it \'toggles\' what ever these \"trigger\" blocks are linked to, be it Gravity, (in the future) lifesupport, or other. It makes defineing the \'inside\' of the ship easy.( it also helps with the falling in space issue)
    Jul 1, 2013
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    What if there were two kinds of doors (or forcefeilds), one that turns gravity on and one that turns it off for whoever walks through the door. With this set up you can make a airlock like set of doors such that the inside door adds gravity while the door leading to space removes it. The key to this idea is that the gravity doors are two different kinds of doors so it\'s up to the player to define the inside and outside of their ship.

    It\'s easy to implement since it would use the same basic program as the regular gravity block just with some form of proximity activation program that even I could make.

    That\'s my two cents.
    Jul 5, 2013
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    What if you use build block from outside the ship, and then use core to go inside the ship? You wouldn\'t have gravity inside the ship. Same if you enter the main ship through a turret.
    Jul 14, 2013
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    You could even have it so that \"in\" doors touching \"out\" doors operate as the same door in the way that a double-layered plexdoor does, allowing you to have a sort of direction-based gravity door the way Fraggle suggested without having to deal with block orientations.

    But yes... all of the \"How would the game tell what\'s inside and outside?!?\" questions have the same obvious solution: let the player define what \"inside\" and \"outside\" are. Hell, station designers already do that by placing gravity units on the entry/exit points to the station; the only difference here is that the player doesn\'t have to toggle it themselves every time they enter the station.

    Actually, in that regard, it would almost make just as much sense to make a single \"gravity door\" block that always toggles gravity for the player passing through it; as long as you only place those doors on the bridges between the areas you define as \"outside\" and \"inside,\" it will never toggle gravity in the \"wrong direction.\" (Unless, of course, someone enters the region of the gravity door block, then exits it out the same side. So it would still be better to have one \"gravity on\" door and one \"gravity off\" door.)
    Jul 11, 2013
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    Otherwise, let\'s say my friend walks onto the ship with me. Then he leaves. The door turns off gravity, and I\'m still in the room. What was pretty simple (turn on the gravity if you want it on, turn it off if you don\'t) now becomes a check for whether anyone is in the room...

    When you enter/leave it enables/disables gravity for you, not for the room, that\'s how the gravity system currently works.

    The only problem I see with this suggestion is that you can\'t tell wether you\'re entering the ship or leaving it... and it can\'t also tell if you\'re in/on the ship either, so that permanent on thing isn\'t really an option either.

    It would be great if you could just have gravity boots, latching on to whatever surface you want, not having to rely on ship systems.