Gravity & Cockpit Orientation

    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Quick suggestion. Hopefully this is already planned, but if it is not here it is. It would be nice if the orientation of gravity blocks and cockpits would coorespond with the direction of gravity and where that cockpit looks. Right now both blocks only work in a single direction relavtive to the "front" of your ship (regardless of how you orient them). I would like to place cockpits that look in more directions than just "forward". On very large ships you could do things like place "landing cockpits" to help you do certain manouvers and get a better idea of what is going on around your ship.

    And for gravity, if you want to create a ship where the "down" direction will be something other than what is currently defined in the game, you are unable to use gravity because you can not change what direction it takes affect. I spent the last week working on a massive ship, only to find out after it was all said and done, because of my design if I try to use gravity I fall out the docking bays...
    Jul 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    I agree with this greatly. Cockpits that face in the direction you place them would be awesome and very useful too.