Gravity boxes with gravity enhancers


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    Sep 11, 2013
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    This new type of unit will add and expand your gravity field and affect anything in the field including ships and items and players, works the same as your docking or turret enhancers. The purposes of the device has tons of applications for the player to design new concepts from their imagination's.
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    Nov 14, 2013
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    If there's anything I hate, it's enhancer-based boxdims. If we have to keep the ones we have (which hopefully we won't) then I'd like not to see any more. A gravity module should just put everyone who walks/flies through an onboard PlexDoor into gravity until they step, fall, or possibly jetpack out of a ship's "bluebox," or they manually deactivate the gravity for themselves using some key combination or something... (Crtl-R?) No more annoying, fiddly enhancer boxdim adjustment nonsense.
    Aug 28, 2013
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    Alright, with the addition of being able to adjust the gravity level. This would allow to keep a shuttle from slamming into the back of a hanger when undocked.

    Enhancer boxdims are intuitive - increase the dimension in the x, and the area's x increases.
    The one difference I would like to see to the enhancer boxdim mechanic is that the largest x boxdim determines the x of the area, the largest y boxdim determines the y of the area, and the largest z boxdim determines the z of the area, even if they are on seperate groups.
    Feb 14, 2014
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    I think my earlier suggestion pertains to ships and stations for auto-gravity, but if you want an individual gravity box that you can adjust, I suggest going with a GUI method. Currently, the docking enhancers and such are tedious, and that's why I hate the enhancers. Currently, if you want to make a box area any bigger, you have to add enhancers to the bottom of your module, which usually results in a tall 1 block tower sticking out of your ship if you plan to dock large ships. The same would happen in this case with gravity modules, except it would be a 1 block tower of gravity enhancers.

    In short, I think a GUI method would work out much nicer and wouldn't take up so much unnecessary space and make it look ridiculous for large gravity boxes.


    Home of Titan Guard
    Sep 11, 2013
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    You can relocate enhancers to other areas of your ship, to be neatly hidden away, this can also add to securing them into a separate reinforce room or location.

    The large turret in the background just has the docking unit and the enhancers are 100 meters below it at the base, the docking unit for the ship is also relocated in the hanger up on the ceiling about 100 meters away, the turret enhancers are on the top in the middle of the ship, they look cool there, so I'm not going to cover them over. Neat & clean and simple! Gravity box's work well for the player , but for nothing else and you still need to make a set up for the gravity elevator to control which way it the gravity falls.

    This a drop ship has plex doors all around the base of it, the big turret just has the one docking unit and the enhancer's are located inside the interior

    This the interior the enhancers are up against the inside wall just pondering what I want to do with this room in decor and where to put the enhancers in their final resting place.

    This the other side of the room where the docking enhancers are, below is docked the USC Junker Heavy

    This was a Pirate ship that I refurbished for fun was outdated I like the way it was shaped and has the docking unit sitting on top of the plex door, the ship was never designed for the drop ship but I was bound to get it too fit lol, the core of the Junker sits near the front of the ship and after re-modding the ship is slightly wider and longer, due to putting amc's and needed extra power for our need for speed to perform both functions, it stays dock after the plex doors close and gives the red outline as in the picture before, but were good to go!
    So enhancers go just about go any where you can find the room! or make the special room just for them.
    I'm trying to make the drop ship as universal as possible so it can be outfitted to perform a multitude of cargo functions.
    Now a gravity generated field inside that hanger would be ideal I could put wrecks in there, ground vehicles, turrets, bombs, and they would stay right where they suppose too, not having collisions and all of them needing unique docking requirements, would allow more function of flow.

    Many instances where you might want to control just an area, lift in a gravity elevator few squares at the bottom the gravity kicks off and your floating again without hitting the ground, ideal for that shuttle when it undocks and remains still, for my hangar ship plex lifter, the ship remains on the plex lifter pad until it get to the top of the cycle not floating away, I could add gravity to my runway in ideal spots where the ship then starts to drop and makes for an actually landing. You could want it for a cargo hold full of bombs that you want to drop out of your ship into space above their target , I could set up fields of gravity in spots that are ideal for a turret around my base, slowing down a ship to receive extra punishment heavy on the throttle, lower on the shields, let them missiles catch up :) Tons of new projects to be toyed and played with.

    Could be factors in there as to controlling the amount of gravity, the more boxes the stronger the field in an x,y,z pattern sounds good!


    Home of Titan Guard
    Sep 11, 2013
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    Just a follow up to the room with the enhancers

    Got to like the lite feature in building :)

    Not in game yet playing a single player, don't have all my pieces and colours, gonna need fair amount of lighting as well, went after a space interior heavy look ramps up into the doorways.

    Smaller room to the upper deck make into officer quarters since there two, keep track of the trooper units.

    Lots of room going to add some windows as well, natural lighting helps as well.

    Enhancers are neatly tucked away in the framework of the ship :)