GrandArmyOfTheRepublic Recruitment Aetherion

    Jul 20, 2015
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    We are the Republic. Our aim is to unite all races of the universe in peace and prosperity and defend those who cant defend themselves. The requirements to join the Republic is few, Must be at least 13 years of age, and be active. If you have school or work that's okay as your only really needed to be only at least 1 hour a day to be updated on faction news and help build or gather resources for the Republic. The way we run is that we have 3 leaders (Including I) that leads 3 fleets, you will be either given a choice of which fleet you will be in or be placed in that. If you are new to the game that is also all right as you will be placed in my fleet to train and learn the game. once we think you have learned enough you will be given a choice, to stay in my fleet and get promoted or be transferred to another fleet. If you want to join and fit the above requirements then please contact me or go to the server and contact either DredloxDragon, InfernoSuperNova, or Beta_Tested_Your_Sister. the IP to the server is We hope to see you there and make the right choice.


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Might I make a suggestion. Take a look at all the threads of the major factions and how their OP's are formatted. They are laid out in a way that makes it easy to read and find important information. Clear requirements and a clear application form. Clearer everything really

    Welcome to running a forums faction.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    I know I say good luck to most new factions, but yeesh, with an op like that, you guys are really gonna need it.