Getting rid of Core only targetting - Load-bearing structure

    Aug 21, 2013
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    Now here is no any reason to target anything else than enemy ship's core, and that is what AI does also.

    How about adding new block type, or add properties to hull/armor what gives these abilities.

    Load-bearing structure to ships what must survive in combat.

    * It gives more hitpoints to Shipcore - so much that, especially in big ships (corvette, fregat, capital-ships) it is wiser to try to hit those structures first, and that way weaken the Shipcore when objective is to destroy that ship.

    * It must be one single structure, spreading to all (main) parts of the ship.

    To encourage the single structure approach, bonus must be calculated in same way as in Power Reactor or Scanner Antenna. Meaning it has to reach to every ship dimension to be in maximum efficiency.
    And by making that structure break in some point, causes massive loss of maximum hitpoints of the Shipcore.

    It might even give some hitpoints and/or armor bonus to blocks it touches.


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    The planned HP overhaul is going to fix core drilling. This is one of the most commonly discussed things around here.


    Social Media Director
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Without reading your suggestion at all, I have to ask that you wait until the new health system before asking for major changes to health systems.


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    Now here is no any reason to target anything else than enemy ship's core, and that is what AI does also.

    How about adding new block type, or add properties to hull/armor what gives these abilities.

    Load-bearing structure to ships what must survive in combat.

    * It gives more hitpoints to Shipcore - so much that, especially in big ships (corvette, fregat, capital-ships) it is wiser to try to hit those structures first, and that way weaken the Shipcore when objective is to destroy that ship.

    * It must be one single structure, spreading to all (main) parts of the ship.

    To encourage the single structure approach, bonus must be calculated in same way as in Power Reactor or Scanner Antenna. Meaning it has to reach to every ship dimension to be in maximum efficiency.
    And by making that structure break in some point, causes massive loss of maximum hitpoints of the Shipcore.

    It might even give some hitpoints and/or armor bonus to blocks it touches.
    It is said that the core will be irrelevant when the new HP system is implemented.