Gameplay Ideas

    Aug 4, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    So I’m fairly new to Star-Made and absolutely loving it! However now that I’m over the initial learning curve and understand most of the game mechanics I’ve sort of plateauing a little. I know the game is still well and truly in Alpha so it’s understandable but I want to keep my interest up so I can be here from the start.

    Do you guys/girls have any ideas for a gameplay goal that I can shoot for to help prolong my enjoyment? I’ve already achieved a little like build a mother ship with turret and small fighters. Taken out my fair share of Pirates on the path to riches. I guess the next stage might be to join a server? But pickings would be slim I think as I’m located in NZ. Any other ideas would be great.
    Jul 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    I guess that you could design a ship to upload to the website for others to see. I would recommend making it aesthetically pleasing as well as functional if you do.