Game crashes when attacking pirate stations

    Jan 21, 2015
    Reaction score
    Since .1882 was released and in .1885, the server I play on will crash every time I attack and destroy turrets on any pirate station. The entire server will freeze and crash for everyone about 2 minutes after the freeze. I was blaming others for the longest time until tonight. I was mining for a couple hours and decided to kill some pirates. As soon as I started killing the turrets, the game crashes. So I decide to reproduce the problem. I start attacking a different pirate station and the game freezes and crashes after I kill about 5 turrets. This happened about 6 times last night, all while I was attacking pirate station turrets.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1423449144,1423447919][/DOUBLEPOST]I did a little more testing, with the same results. It seems missiles being fired at and destroying the turrets on the stations is what causes it. The missiles I'm firing are missiles with 100% cannon and explosive buffs.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1423449682][/DOUBLEPOST]Removed the 100% explosive effect. Same result, still crashed the server. Going to try removing the cannons now.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1423450113][/DOUBLEPOST]Same result, normal un-buffed missiles and heat seeking both freeze and crash the server.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1423450373][/DOUBLEPOST]Lock on missiles, same result.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1423451474][/DOUBLEPOST]Cannons caused a free after destroying the last turret on a Pirate Station Alpha. I was speculating about pirate fighters being the cause, but none spawned that time.
    Jan 21, 2015
    Reaction score
    After some further speculation from other players and more tests this morning, I discovered the game will freeze and crash when the call for help is sent out from firing missiles at a station. Specifically when 3 Murulak pirate fighters spawn in at once. It's either an issue with the station, or the murulak fighters.