Game crashes upon approaching planets

    Jun 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    My game crashes whenever I get anywhere near a planet. It seems as if I am the only one with that problem so there must be a way to fix it because I would really love to mine on a planet for resources that cannot be found on asteroids. Thanks
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    I had this problem when I updated to .097032 or whatever update ends in 32. Anyway I fixed it by reducing all my graphics options to the lowest they will go in the launcher advanced area, when that worked I gradually started to increase them until I got a look I liked and it was still stable. Do not do this in game, it made it even more unstable I couldnt get near anything without a crash.

    If you dont know how to get to the advanced settings it\'s rather easy, just launch the game and when you get to the game launch screen where you see the Singleplayer and multiplayer boxes and the In-Game name area mouse up to the settings tab and check the box for advanced settings and the setting area at the bottom of the launcher will have more settings choices in it.

    Hope this helps,
