Galaxy Map additions - AI Control, Property View - RTS gameplay


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    Alright, so, you know how horribly bad Bobby AIs, stations, and drones are for pretty much everything right now? Let's fix that.

    I propose that we make additions to the Galaxy Map and the Faction permissions tab, so that faction leaders and ranks given explicit permission to do so may View Faction Property (which highlights the individual sectors that the faction has ships in, and the individual sectors the faction has stations in, in two different colors). When one hovers the cursor over the sectors in question, or moves their selection box to the sectors in question, they are given a description of all faction property in the sector - a name, a mass, and a health bar.

    Faction leaders may also set ranks which are able to Give Orders to specific AI ships or sectors with ships in them via the Galaxy Map. These orders are, more or less, just Waypoint setting. One may select the ships in the Property List, or one may select All, and may then set sectors as waypoints.

    I also recommend that ships in the same sector as a sufficiently large Shipyard-equipped Station be able to, if the Shipyard has Scrap in storage, repair over time.

    For the time being it may be difficult to simulate out-of-sector combat, though, due to ship scores and such being in severe need of adjustment. Of course, that could change if there were an alternate method of handling it.


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    For the time being it may be difficult to simulate out-of-sector combat, though, due to ship scores and such being in severe need of adjustment. Of course, that could change if there were an alternate method of handling it.
    If score differs a lot, ships might even ignore each other (too much of a distraction to chase a tiny runner or not worth the effort).

    Combat is only important if the score differs a lot. Perhaps a random player's PC could compute the result and cross-check with the server's result which is based on score. If it differs, do a full simulation on the server