Galactic map (shift P) improvements

    Jul 4, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    SuggestionsSuggestionse suggestions to improve the functionality of the galactic map and make it more user friendly.
    1. XY and Z axis markers along the edges of each void system, + and- marks along these lines.
    2. ability to select a sector or object. when selected, the sector or object will be entered as a navigation waypoint.
    3. The Galactic map should show the orientation of your ship in relation to the map. a simple (build mode style) arrow would suffice, Bonus points if you could view the map in flight mode and have it rotate and scale in relation to the movements of your ship.
    4 Show Other ships and structures belonging to your faction.
    if any other ship or structure is within radar range of any ship in your faction, it will also be displayed on your Galactic Map.
    5. Faction Waypoints: This one would be reserved for faction leaders(field Commander FC) with this feature set as a permission. FC could select and name multiple sectors. these would appear on every faction members HUD as well as galactic map. This would be useful for battle strategies and coordination. example: 5, -7, 6 alpha co. meet here, 5, -10, 6 Enemy location.
    these waypoints could be activated and deactivated by FC, and would automatically disable if he disconnects. faction members should also have the ability to have To ignore them so they are not visable on their own HUD.
    suggestions and discussion welcome.
    Jul 4, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I hope the map as it stands now is a work in progress, it had a lot of potential, but is almost useless as it stands
    Aug 12, 2013
    Reaction score
    Something to add perhaps:

    Coordinates within the sector, something that coinsides with the sectors coordinates, like subsector coordinates something in meters, that way its easy to tell wich direction you are moving/drifting. i.e. If your moving 50 kph in the +Y direction, your \"Y\" readout will be counting up, making it instantly understandable wich direction you are moving, giving an artificial sense of direction in space, and helping in counter-thrust.* Otherwise a \"compass\" perhaps always pointing in the +Z direction in relation to the sector\'s coordinates.#

    *You know, in case your \"brakes go out\", or shift is just too hard to push...I dont know

    #Thats alot of \"coordinates\"

    Sep 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    i think the abilaty to know whare you are pinting in relativity to this will be nice.

    along with this a new block a -scaner- and a debuff to the map/radar you get when fling ships so it only shows movement making ofline players just that littelbit safer and new ones can avoid big ships by stoping all movement. the new blocks when conected to the ship core 1 will make the map/radar 1/2 better by leting you see spining like zx stile and repinting your ships to face other ways and 2 will let you see players but still not still ships.

    when conected to a map cpu -that is a cpu for scaners- eny ship in a fracton with more then 2 scaner blocks -1 and 2 act like if thare conected to the core- 3 will let you see still ships if conected to cpu and 4 will extend the range but you will not see still ships in the extended area 5 will let you see ships thare and it will repeat like that. eny thing that is in the area that sees still ships will be shaved to that players map when using p and if he is in a fracton the fracton gets this aswell.

    i like this idea for 2 reasons 1 it will let clocking ships scan enamy lands tho thay will need to power the cpu to do it but it will take little power so it wont be hard and and 2 becuse i loose ships alot and if me and my fracton sacned the area wehn flying by i can find it but ofcorese scaning will not let you see the ship after it moves it will show the same place it was when the scan hapend so to update it a probe ship without a pilot by the pilot flying and then hoping out when at max speed righ before enterng thare land this ship with jsut a cpu and aray of scanedrs some power and trusters can sit in thare space untill thay see it and destoy it letig them get a rell time look at the area and with enuf in eather your area or thares you can kow whats going on in the area of it.

    this will mean your defence grid of flowting ships with ai\'s that atack enamys that come close can have thease and aswell as having a defence grid you will have a scaner grid this, this will make us want smaller faster stronger ships to fly in scout and destoy thease ships to remove the enamys abilaty to se thare big ship comeing making you know hay somethings thaing out my grid it looks like a small ship is it one ship, is it a fleat of small ships, will it be a fleet of small ships with a big one what do i do? this will make the game more interesting in my opinon and will let me find theose long lost storage ships with all my lvl5 ores in them.
    Sep 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    even spell check isn\'t enough here because you are using the wrong words in some cases
    Oct 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    The idea behind the map is amazing, and I\'m glad it exists, but without these suggested changes it\'s very hard to use.
