FTL Drive Suggestion

    Sep 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    Hello, fellow space pioneers. Happy flying, I hope?

    Straight to the point. I keep seeing these "Warp Drive" threads popping up, and I think the ideas are very good, however unbalanced. Energy costs and engine power shouldn't be a variable, seeing how both costs can be remedied by slapping a few more on.

    "Well then Spirie, how would you have the warp drive work?"

    FTL drives! Drawing inspiration (well, the entire idea) from the game FTL, I believe short travel should be implimented in this way. Slap on an FTL drive and connect it to the ship core. Good, step one is done. Step two, assign a number on the keyboard to the FTL drive, etc etc, and use it. A menu will pop up, asking you to put in the coords you would like to go to. Punch them in, and you warp. Insert amazing FX here, and then after 10-20 seconds you pop out of the warp, and the drive shuts down for about 5-10 minutes to cool down.

    "That's terrible. Where's the cost?" Shut up, I'm getting to it.

    When you exit FTL warp, all systems are down. Energy production is paralyzed for 60 seconds, shields are completely down, and power in storage cannot be used (unless the driver hops out of the core, runs to the shield computer (another idea!), and pushes a few buttons quickly after exiting to warm them up.) This makes everyone happy. This prevents people from warping gigantic warships into an ally's battle who called for help, all battle-ready on the spot. FTL isn't an easy thing to get, and without these measures in place it can be terribly overpowered.

    "Hurr durr solid fuel instead of power costs"

    There are servers that give new players a ton of money to begin with. This makes everyone's wallet bigger, making the relative cost of fuel smaller in comparison.

    Related threads that should treat this as a comment: http://star-made.org/content/warp-holes, http://star-made.org/content/warp-cores-and-other-improvements

    Put questions in the comments, and give feedback! :3
    Oct 5, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    All of this is not bad, but the more complex an idea becomes the less likely implementation is, I think a simple solution is randomly generated fast travel gates, stations or wormholes. It needs to not be up to the player where they land, by means such as a randomization or better yet 2 way wormholes/stargates/portals where you know a specific entrance will take you to a specific exit and vice versa. It won\'t be what everybody wants, but its the only way IMO to do it and maintain balance.