Food and O2

    Aug 29, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Could food and hunger be added? As well as air? It would add a reason to have greater ship diversity in the form of on board gardens to refresh the atmosphere and provide food.
    Aug 6, 2013
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    That would only be acceptable in the form of blocks that would generate them automatically so that no user input were necessary other then being in the ship.

    If I had to activally ear food I would immediatly quit playing this game.
    Jul 7, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I think that the addition of limited oxygen supply, at least while EVA, would be a great idea, if done well. But I have to agree with Lazarus that food might make the game less fun. Let me clarify that hunger mechanics are actually something I really love in games. I confess that I really loved the addition of a hunger bar in Minecraft, and I always felt that Elder Scrolls games and Fallout would have benifited from a hunger mechanic, at least similar to the sleep mechanic. But in those games, food is a more centric theme. Medieval-fantasy is an age where food is glorified by big hunks of seasoned meat, warm ale, bread, cheese etc. And Minecraft is at its core about struggling to survive in a environment with scarce resources. So in those games, hunger is important. But in Starmade, we have a futuristic setting where food is probably engineered nutrient mush that can be consumed through a built-in straw in your suit. But it\'s not just food isn\'t thematically appropriate, it\'s also an unnecessary chore, whereas in Minecraft it\'s a pleasure to seed, nurture, harvest, and cook your food. You\'re often proud of your food. In starmade it would just be a periodic distraction from what\'s fun about the game.

    Life-support system, on the other hand, would be pretty cool! Not only would it be thematically appropriate, it would encourage people to build ships with spacious interiors and easy access in and out. If there was a some sort of pressure system, it might even encourage people to build strategic bulkheads to keep the atmosphere from leaking out of damaged hull!

    So good idea +1
    Aug 22, 2013
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    how about fuel instead of food? If you run out of gas, you are just on the little thrust that your core provides. There would be a relation to thust/mass to how much fuel your ship consumes.

    On o2, I like the idea, the way I would do it would be that you have a certain amount of time without it. (Say 20 minutes?) Again, if your are in your ship, your core will provide you with enough air. However, if you want air moving about your ship or station, you need to make it air tight with plex doors and add a o2 generation machine.

    I think that both of theese are going to be added in time.

    Aug 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    I like this idea, as long as it\'s toggleable, like a hardcore mode, or if it has several difficulties. So a new player could start on easy and have a couple hours in their suit before running out of air; and maybe food is only a healing item not required for survival. There could also be a hard mode where you have 10 minutes of air when you spawn to get into a core and to a planet. The core maybe doesn\'t have infinite air, but can store an hour at least. Extra storage blocks for air would be needed, maybe even tiers of them so 1 block could hold an hour, a day or for extreme cost even a week\'s worth of air. Though unless the core spawns with no air in it it could be exploitable. For hard mode you must eat once a real world day? Or maybe just every hour or two while playing. This would require tons of tweaking to find the right balance of storage, refill rates on planets, etc. Though it could also be a neat timer: \"Oh that\'s the third time I\'ve eaten, I\'ve been playing for six hours I should probably get to bed\".

    I like the fuel idea more, especially after playing with the Kethane mod for Kerbal Space Program. It would add more of a point to non-combat ships as fuel carriers. It would also make stations and bases more important as you\'d have to go there to refuel. Again I\'d like the option to disable it or at least change difficulties. Maybe on easy your ship runs at half the speed limit when out of fuel. On hard it could randomly eat part of your ship for fuel, Mass Effect style, or make you move at 10km/h until you refuel. Though for mostly single player players it could get tedious.
    Jul 2, 2013
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    Survival elements have added a lot to other games. However, those other games don\'t have a heavy emphasis vehicle creation. Requiring food or oxygen just seems like it will make it that much more undesirable for players to leave their ships. And, I\'m not a big fan of idea of ships having limited fuel either.

    I\'d rather see Starmade stay focused on spacecraft design, combat, manufacturing, and trade.
    Aug 15, 2013
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    It is not worth it to build \"sane\" Spaceships which got airlocks an Atmosphere or something.

    Starmade would have to get much more Realistic changing it from an Exploring Game to an Survival-ish Game much like Kerbal Space Programm (it does not have air but limited fuel and realistic physics)

    I don´t think it is bad I actually really like it but I don´t think it is were Starmade is going.Because It seems the biggest motivation source is to fight others or might later become to inhabit a powerful faction.
    Aug 6, 2013
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    No. Absolutly no.

    I would also immediatly stop playing if they added fuel that could run out. The last thing I want to to be restricted in where and how far I can go because of fuel. And what happens if you get stuck out in the middle of nowhere? How do tyou refuel the ship? let alone, how do YOU get anywhere to even get more fuel?

    Maintaining a thust:power regen ratio is fuel enough. Make engines require more power and larger clusters require even more power, sure, i can see putting a bit more demand on getting that ratio to a good level, but actual fuel would kill the game for me.
    Aug 28, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Haveing to repeatedly go to your ship or space station for food is going to make people get upset, as you could tell from the replies. Just imagine starving in the middle of a Big battle?

    Ilike the Idea of Oxygen, as it gives an area that could be shot, and kill the user, without having to drill through all the other blocks to the ships core.

    If you find yourself being killed cause the enemy shoots out your O2, place more blocks next time, or hide them in behind some armor.

    Oxygen only.
    Aug 1, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    The \"O2/Life-Support\" bit, but only as an optional setting for a server or single-player world. That way you could turn it off or on as you wished (or not, if you weren\'t the server admin).

    The food bit is going too far though - it would make construction of huge ships unwontedly tedious, since you would have to keep exiting the core to feed yourself - unless being in the core auto-fed you?

    OTOH, you\'re in a space suit of some futureistic nature, which might in theory be capable of recycling all your waste into food/water and probably even transforming power into food/water so you don\'t need any input except energy.

    And since everyone has a handy power block in their inventory....


    Perhaps a \"survival\" game mode?

    Wherein you start on a planet, and have to scavenge to survive until you can reach the nearest spaceport and find a ship? Assuming you have enough money to buy one that is.

    But this would rely on implementation of NPC creatures and entities, a far more complex planetary system (towns, cities, and possibly random lone traders), and further, the addition of planet-side shops to buy ships or ship parts from.

    And in the second case, you would need to generate funds somehow, probably via mining and crafting, in order to reach the point of actually getting to the space part of the game....


    Probably too convoluted for many people\'s taste - one of the reasons I like StarMade is that it threw me directly into building a ship.....and building was the part of minecraft I liked most - the survival and gathering was more of an interesting diversion, that in many cases distracted me from my latest construction process....