FlyingDebris Council App

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    Master Owl
    Jan 3, 1970
    Reaction score
    Username FlyingDebris

    Responses in this application will be posted publicly in a voting thread.

    Timezone (GMT): CMT -5:00 (EST)

    How much time are you able to commit to being on the council per week? On average, I am active in the Starmade community an hour or so every day, so at least 7 hours a week.

    How long have you been playing StarMade? Coming up on three years now.

    What’s your playstyle in StarMade? I used to run a large faction, however I handed over control a few months ago and now I focus mainly on the building aspect of the game, while occasionally having PvP battles with other players on the server I help to play on.

    What are some qualities you think you posses that would make you a good council member? I play quite often and know the ins and outs of the game, and I am familiar with the majority of the community. (Hi guys!)

    I have discussions on the state of the game with other people in public chat quite often, and that is actually where I usually am when I'm not writing. (Even then, I occasionally pop in to post little tidbits of it and ask for opinions.)

    What are some of your weaknesses? My schedule can be a bit erratic at times, so if worst comes to worst I may not be able to respond for a few days at a time. That, and Kryptonite.

    What motivates you to become a council member? I love this community and the game, and I figured that the biggest sinkhole for my time should be put to good use by joining the Council.

    How do you contribute to the community currently? I draw avatars for various members, I help out with a server, I recently started submitting my ships to Community Content, I do artwork for various members and factions in the community, I am curating a player-written dictionary for various starmade community terms, and I have an ongoing story that I'm writing which I am tying into little aspects of the community here and there. (Ex. faction/ship names)

    All warnings, active or inactive will be posted on your application.


    Big Brother
    Jul 20, 2014
    Reaction score
    Inappropriate Behavior Dec 14, 2014 1 Jan 14, 2015
    Language and repeated disruptive behavior. It's suggested you leave the calderon thread. Sep 25, 2014 1 Oct 25, 2014
    Intentionally inflammatory post Aug 4, 2014 1 Sep 4, 2014
    Bad deb, BAD. Jul 10, 2014 1 Aug 10, 2014
    flame baiting May 17, 2014 0 N/A
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