Farewell Atlas!

    Jan 8, 2016
    Reaction score
    A message posted on behalf of Blackhawk:

    "Where to start, first, under my official command Atlas Armaments will be closing its doors. It is with a heavy heart that I give this order but after 3 years of refitting and rebuilding across various servers. I no longer find this game as entertaining as it used to be.

    Things used to be settled with ships and words use to just be the kindling to a much bigger fire. Even looking back through YouTube videos the wars used to be exciting. Something to race home for. Now we can barely find a competitor that just plays the game for the fight. I do want to give a shout out to Zackey for squaring up though the server just couldn't take it, it was one of my more fun times in starmade.

    Among many other reasons I am taking my leave, my faith is the forefront of those reasons. My actions on here were not conducive or reflective of my faith and caused a inward rift within my morals.

    I want to leave on a positive note. So here's this.

    To my enemies, I am sorry if any of the actions I've taken have caused personal harm. I started my journey as the "Bad Guy" when I seen in chat 2.5 years ago that there was no action in starmade anymore. So I sought out a reason to become a major faction and be a major competitor. This was partly achieved through a cold war with Odium and eventually a war with TE. It wasn't enough to ruffle the communitys feathers, so I took more extreme action nitpicking fights with thryn and its allies, taking control of Odium, Splitting groups apart, etc.. I had achieved my goal kicking off a rivalry between two groups seen only once before (credits to Ridik.) I didn't know this war would spiral to dark depths and proceeded to follow its course encouraging more flame, rage, and division. Doing so with spies, exploits, and devious tactics. Somewhere along that I lost the fact I was playing a game. Doing things I shouldn't. For that I apologize, I wish you all luck in your endeavors.

    -Lecic, I think you have good intentions. You're just often misunderstood and go about things in the wrong way. But, in the end you're loyal without fault.

    -Nauvran, there's more fish in the sea bro. Don't fret, she'll come along just be patient. I didn't want any quarrels with you tbh. I had fun in our early wars. You are a level headed dude. Always stick to your values.

    -FD, noone has the ability to rally people to a cause quite like you. Either its charisma or you're paying them with sexual favors lol. Just quit trying to be popular and be yourself bro, you don't need to appease these people to fit in. (Yes I seen the chat messages about the community liking you)

    To my friends, it has been a good run. I truly enjoyed every minute with you guys. You've been there for advice and backed me up consistently. The world can only be so lucky to have friends like you guys. You soldiers of ATLAS were patient, loyal, and the best a commander could ask for. Noone was more dedicated to a cause then you guys. Even when we went down the wrong path. We all walked it together.

    -Zoro, thanks for teaching me a lot about SM tactics and always having my back. Even though we disagree on a lot of things it just shows that even with differences we can achieve great things.

    -Aceface, I know we had our disagreements and our laughs. You are honestly a good guy. The most loyal and honest troop I have met. Even with the differences in our beliefs you became one of my better online friends. Can't wait to ride into battle with ya more.

    -Assin9, man we started our path 3 years ago. Even when I lost interest you remained steadfast in the mission of AA. You gave me career advice, dealt with my sarcastic attitude, and shared laughs about the stupidest shit. You're one of those dudes I could sit, knock back a couple of beers, and just talk about random stuff with. It was an honor to serve next to you. I still got your number and steam. We will stay in touch and go shoot that AR15 you got one day.

    I guess that's it, I may occasionally hop on to check the status of everyone and everything, but I dont see my time in this game ever becoming anymore serious. So for the last time

    "Victory to the highest bidder."
    Commander BH, out."

    Note: These views neither reflect Ares Coalition nor its factions. Simply assisting a friend in deliverance of a message.


    Definitely not a skywanderers dev
    Apr 25, 2015
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    This game desperately needs shit-stirrers, your service has been appreciated :)
    The goal is never really the beef, but dramas escalate etc