faction_create overwrote my faction

    Aug 14, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Councillor 3 Gold
    • Wired for Logic
    • Top Forum Contributor
    So today I wanted to try and play around with some AI ships in combat, I wanted to be able to set the battle up before hand and use the command to make them enemies so they will fight for my enjoyment. To do this without being involved in the fight myself I wanted to make two test factions, I ran the command faction_create and to my surprise when I checked the faction hub I no longer had a faction and my 100 or so ships/turrets and whatnot now no longer belonged to me. /faction_list had the "TestA" faction as 10001 which my faction used to be.

    I'm restoring a backup copy of my world just so I don't have to manually re-faction everything