Faction teleportation

    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    I suggest there be faction teleportation, which teleports you and your ship to you faction home base for the sum of 10,000 credits. You would also have to buy a one million dollar teleportation module and place it on your faction base. I know we have the whole docking module thing, but it is impossible to dock large ships (I know there are docking enhancers, but do you know how many it would take to dock a BC-304 Daedalus? Well I don't and I have no intention of finding out!) and in honesty the entire system just sucks. This could fix that problem by allowing factions to build WAAAAAAAAY out there without getting all their flagships blown up, and allow the new faction members to get there quickly and become part of the team. Also, it would just be really cool and convinient, even if the faction doesn't want to build way out it would just save people a couple minutes of flying their ships