Faction Suggestions

    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hey everyone, here is a suggestion:

    I play on my own private server with about 6 other friends. Not a lot, but enough to have 3 different factions fighting each other. Because I absolutely love the idea of faction wars, I have a few suggestions. I am sorry if they are already suggested, or you are already working on them.

    1. Turrets attached to a ship with a faction block inherit the faction of the mothership. - it's really annoying that I have to pay 100K for a new faction block, for each turret I attach to my mothership, just to protect my stuff from griefing and trespasing.

    2. Protecting the naturally spawning spacestations against mining - people scavenge them for hull etc. and earn loads!

    3. Optimization of AI idetifying people as enemies. And general faction enemy system optimisation.

    You are clearly busy people, but this (I think) would mean a lot for the hardcore faction war people out there.

    - Kayvoo
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    1: I fully agree.

    2: I fully disagree. Sure you can get rich, but that\'ll take a while. Intelligent get-rich people will use ice planet ice crystals.

    3: Agreed. I thought of a Bobby AI update that should be made:


    Choices: Friendly, Neutral, Hostile. (Can pick two at once, so if you hate non-faction people, neutral + hostile.)

    Lets you choose who your turret targets. Good for hangers, set it to friendly and shoot technobeams at damaged ships.