Extreme FPS Drop

    Aug 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    After the recent .94 patch, when I log into the server my frames are fine. I'm locked at 60FPS. Then I get into my ship (470m long) begin to fly, start to manuever and make turns, the frames drop to between 5-10 FPS and once they reach that level they never improve. Even when my ship is the only ship in the sector with nothing else to load this is the case.

    Prior to the patch I had my ship, and 5 others of almost equal size docked to a station that was truly massive. I could fly my ship in the sector with all the others and the station with only the slightest drop in FPS.

    I have replicated this issue on two totally different machines. A lower end laptop and a high end desktop PC both getting about the same framerate of 5-10 FPS. I've also had someone else pilot my ship and they receive the same problem.
    Aug 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    I have a very similar problem, I start off at a high framerate, then over time it goes down to 10-20 and does not go back up until I exit and reopen.
    Aug 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    I also have experienced this, i start to fly in a big ship then all of a sudden my FPS drops from 60 to 10-15. I have also noticed that i cannot get my thruster speed to 99 as it first started when i was flying. After awhile i can barely get to 50 top speed when the fps starts to drop.
    Aug 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    I still have the problem as well, even on my PC that can play Ultra on many other games no problem. When i play starmade with a decent amount of things around me or a big ship my FPS just tanks. I hope the optimization of the game gets better soon since i cant play at all unless i leave the sector of my base and my fps goes back to 400+. just makes no sense