Experiex Shipyards

    Jun 4, 2015
    Reaction score
    Hi guys im TheSauceisTheboss. A while ago i thought while my game was down, why make massive ships that take many hours to complete? Well at Experiex Corps Shipyards Ive been actually having FUN creating cool ships. i try to keep them small but sometimes i make a bigger one for some fun. If you have a challenge that is REASONABLE ( a semi experienced builder could do it , and no bigger than 800m if it is in regards to size) submit it in the comments and ill try my best to build it and post about it! If you have any Questions/Comments don't pm me my internet hates the P.M system, just put 'em in the comments below. Also feel free to post any pics of things you have built or want to show me. I will update this forum about every 4 days so don't worry if your challenge isn't up here yet i will post it eventually.
    Jun 4, 2015
    Reaction score
    Hi guys my first challenge was to make a ship with the only colors being yellow, orange, and pernurple. You may think ewww how disgusting it would look, BUT NO i made a sorta good looking light support corvette (correct me if wrong class) that was good enough for me to name it, i have decided to call it the " Tiger Light Support Corvette". in the front it has a bunch of beams with a slight explosive effect for popping into the battle field tearing a few ship up and jumping out because of its weak shielding. And no its not particularly good, if you have on you'll probably die but you'll have a bunch of fun. So here are some screens of it:

    this is a sneek peek of my next project= no straight lines on the exterior