Expanded Auto-Orientation

    Jul 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    The games current auto orientation button is very useful. It is invaluable for reaffirming your relative location, for navigating based on the sector grid numbers, or just lining your ships up beside each other. It can be a bit of a nuisance if triggered accidentally, especially for large ships witch are tedious to turn back around. I've had a bit of inspiration for both an expansion of this utility and reduction of the odds of triggering it by mistake.

    Suppose instead of a single key press you used a two button combo consisting of the orientation key and a direction. For example...

    Key + forward thrust (W) aligns the ship facing the positive Z axis (+Z) with the positive Y axis (+Y) as "up" (this is the current method)

    Key + reverse (S) faces -Z with +Y as up.

    Key + left/right (A/D) turns the ship to +X/-X respectively +Y still the default up.

    Key + up (E) would face the ship +Y with -Z as up.

    Key + down (Q) -Y with +Z as up

    Additionally orientation key + roll would snap the ship to the next 90 Degree increment in that direction.

    And of course the speed at witch the new heading is reached would depend on the ships maneuverability, as it currently dose. I believe this would serve both as a boon to navigation and to break the tedium of turning larger ships.

    Thoughts, opinions, or other input certainly welcome