Entering your ship core without building a hallway, door, etc.!

    Jul 8, 2013
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    I have seen many people comment that "I wish cockpits would let me enter the Ship Core", and one of the latest updates make it so that a clever designer can do exactly this, while requiring little to no additions.

    With the update I am referring to, players can use (by default) the Up and Down arrow keys to switch between docked ships and the host ship. This works from any of the ships docked, so this becomes as easy as flying up to a turret, hopping in, and cycling through the ships until you are in control of the main ship!

    This makes life easy when you are glitched out of your Dreadnought and don't feel like maneuvering the network of hallways to reach the core, and also allows players to protect their core heavily, without the pain of making it accessible!

    I hope this satisfies everyone, since turrets can also now function as a turnable cockpit, another feature often requested, combine with the fact that you can use this method to obliterate that fighter trying to sneak up on you.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Also work when flicking through, so making a small docking port with just another core in is much more convenient than having to work your way down to a ship core, I hadn\'t thought of this application of the latest update, nice, I might use this in future builds.
    Jul 8, 2013
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    @Trafalgar: Yes, I do. I suggested on another thread that it should put Bobby on Standby, and that Bobby should be C-Ved to whatever system it is supposed to control, such as a Weapons Computer to run the AMCs, or the Ship Core to run everything.

    Also, this makes Escape Pods a veritable option. \"Shields down! To the docked escape ships! Fire up your stealth, jamming, and GO!\"
    Jul 8, 2013
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    Faction-oriented docked \"Access Points\" would make enemy invasion much more difficult. Faction members can warp through the twenty layers of hardened and shielded hull, while others have to go through it while dealing with the turrets! In other words, Locked Doors to the ship!
    Jun 26, 2013
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    You\'ve been able to jump from docked ships and turrets with the up key long before this version, though. You just haven\'t been able to go in the opposite direction (aside from the ctrl bug). I\'ve built teleporters and space elevators in the past which worked by getting in a docked core and pressing up, and used docked things to get into ship cores (though I still make doors, generally). Now, escape pods, that\'s something you couldn\'t do before.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Escape pods will become pretty important once dying actually gets meaning in the game.

    Right now it only means that you will respawn at the undeathinator you were last at, no losses or anything, would be fun if there would be losses as well, or even better: a setting to set a % of blocks/stuff you lose on death.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    I remember UO, when dying meant all your stuff stayed on your corpse and if you wanted it back you had to find a way to reach it and retrieve your stuff without dying again. Before anyone else looted it first, and before it decayed and was lost forever. I also remember dying so many times due to sudden disconnects and lagspikes and so on. Remember that you\'re already out the cost of your ship, turret, and anything you had in storage on it, and that should matter more when the economy isn\'t easy to game or bug-abuse to max credits in a day. If people drop money on death, they\'ll just start converting it to expensive items. If they drop items, they\'ll be discouraged from carrying their construction materials with them, and that would be a bad thing IMHO.