Enhanced Bobby A.I.

    Jul 18, 2015
    Reaction score
    It seems pretty obvious from the title, but personally, although the turrets aren't that bad, I'd like to see them worked on more. They are missing somethings like the ability to target only ships and not to fire weapons at things when it won't do anything. Example is that turrets will fire at missiles even if they don't have the weapons to do so.

    The ability to shoot at friends would be nice too so you can shoot power to them without having to pay attention to that. The turrets can just do that.

    Being able to activate or deactivate bobby A.I.'s that are docked to the ship while in the main ship. Technically this is in, but since the rails people have added turrets that require two or more ship cores that are docked so they can make a turret that can shoot in all directions. When you press activate all it doesn't activate the object that's docked on another. So you'll still have to manually activate the Bobby A.I. your self. It's a shame you can't active the Bobby A.I. like you used to before the rails were added.

    Allowing a bobby A.I. to take over when the player leaves the core automatically. It can be a useful feature to allow people to get out of the core during a battle to get into a escape pod or exit vehicle allowing them to not have to turn a bobby A.I. on themselves while they escape.

    As I've said in a previous suggestion, a Bobby A.I. beacon. This would call Bobby A.I. that is either linked to it or in the faction to be summoned to that location when activated. This would make ships with hangers of Bobby A.I. fighters more favorable than it currently is as it would be easier to retrieve all those fighters that were docked. They'd still have to dock them manually, but at least they wouldn't have to fly all around to get them. It could even activate unactivated ships with Bobby A.I.'s that aren't either docked or have a player in them. It can help retrieve ally ships after they get killed in battle and let the ship take control to defend itself or to bring it to safety.

    Having Bobby A.I. have a ability to flee after either shields go down or after 50% of the ship has been damaged or less. This would be a togglable feature. Allowing for kamikaze ships to just keep going until dead and more important, player ships, to flee when damaged if the player is killed while boarding the enemy. It would keep the enemy from getting their hands on their ships and such, or just outright destroying them.

    Bobby A.I. jammer, it basically makes enemy Bobby A.I.'s either turn off, with more powerful ones, or be more inaccurate for a period of time. The possibility to turn the A.I.'s off would be based off of the mass of a ship. Bigger ships would need a very powerful A.I. Jammer to be turned off or become inaccurate, but smaller ships would be turned off with a less powerful one. This works for torrents too. Even though a main ship would take a powerful A.I. Jammer, the turrets would be another story, they could be turned off letting the smaller ships to be able to do damage without being utterly destroyed as soon they get close. Although, the bigger turrets would still be on likely. It could be used to help close the gap between smaller spacecraft and larger ones.

    Smarter A.I. flying and shooting. By this I mean tactics. This is likely to be the least likely to happen/ the farthest from happening soon, but it would make things a bit more challenging. With battling smaller ships ships would go after them either alone or with another A.I. ship near by, assuming those ships are around the same size or smaller, and if they do call a friend, fight in a more tight formation. When going against bigger ships it would call two or more ships to help them out and attack in a more spread out fashion. Another scenario if a A.I. ship has swarm missiles it could be more likely to use it when against a group of enemies. If a ship had heavier weapons, like artillery cannons, then it would be more likely to use them on bigger ships.

    Letting A.I. use Jammers, not at will, but when something that is around five times it mass it'll be likely to jam and increase its likelihood to do so the bigger its mass. Not only that, but it would have to flee three sectors after it turns it on. It'll let ships that are valuable, like player ships online, to leave for safety when a bigger ship arrives. This would all only work if the ship has a jammer.
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