Encounter Senarioes.

    Aug 3, 2013
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    I was playing starmade for a bit the other day, and then I realized how insanly bored I actually was. yes I do realize the game is only an alpha version its unfinished, much is still broken or missing in state. stating such is pointless, unnecissarry, and wastes time, so save your breath and dont bother.

    but let me get back on topic, while I had came to this realatization, I also came to a conclusion about how to remedy this problem. and the fact is I found the lack of things to do were the very key towards the issue. as such I started to cram around some ideas to solve the issue.

    the first solution I actually, came up with was encounter senarioes..what are encounter senarioes you ask? well, simply put they are events that mite happen at random times similar to what already does in game already. not to unlike the many random pirate encounters we already see. but these events arent like those, an "encounter senerio" is more like mini adventures you go on to just explore as you find them, they are suposed to be simple. they arent verry elaborate but can be limitedly more fun than the anoying pirate attack.

    I thought perhaps I would try to keep the concept rather simple, I'm a firm bealiever in the concept of KISS. but anyways what I had in mind are senerioes like finding random floating derelect (perhaps like a massive relic space hulk) ships just floating in remote or dangerously hazardous areas for the player to find explore and maybe even claim for themselves, not too unlike the space stations now in game. and that is only one potential idea but the possabilaties are there and likely better ideas coud be thought of, if we only put minds toward it.

    what about you guys think the concept has any merit.
    Aug 9, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Yes, it has merit.

    A variation is to allow players to design and build scenarios and save them as a file much like we can create blueprints.

    My suggestion would be giving the players the ability to create solar systems (complete) and save (and upload) all the required files (including ship designs?) for other players to try.

    It could be as simple (KISS) as locating a wrecked ship to as complex as invading a whole solar system.
    Jul 11, 2013
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    Factions are almost constantly at war and the level of competition is extremely high amongst the larger factions.

    In time, you may realize that really, you don\'t need encounter scenarios. The players themselves, by their very presence and political orientation, create complex scenarios which demand a well-planned tactical approach.

    It\'s not just blasting ships in space for no reason. It goes deeper than that, you just have to look for it.
    Aug 9, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Yes, and that\'s great.

    But this is a suggestions forum - supposing you could add scenarios too? (As well as...) wouldn\'t that make the game better still/

    You wouldn\'t be forced to use the feature.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
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    I wish tactics made a big deal in multiplayer servers, but unfortunately, the main thing that decides a battles outcome is if the laggs on your side. You\'re probably thrown a few sectors away which is very annoying.