elite dangerous trailer inspiration

    Sep 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    As the title suggests, i recently watched the elite: dangerous capital ships trailer (ill give a link at the bottom) Now incase you havnt watched it yet, it consists of two capital ships having a giant space battle. Now there were a few things that stuck out at me in this trailer:

    1) The two ships were not charging at each other as we see in starmade, firing their giant op spinal weapon systems. No, these ships were slowly traveling side by side (in opposite directions) whilst firing their canons side ways. In fact, in this trailer i didnt see one spinal weapon involved. Now this is potentialy very interesting for starmade, because if schema allowed amcs to be placed sideways so as to be able to fire that way this would create the ability to fire a broadside. This would add a new level of realism, as no matter how big a weapon system is, it will need an equaly large barrel to fire the bullet out of (there are exceptions) However, the prow of the ship is very rarely capable of being able to hold such a huge gun. This is why they make smaller guns on the side of the ship were there is more space.

    2) no particulary huge guns were in this trailer either, Big guns arnt always the best, as they take more space and more energy ect. If instead of the dmg per shot of one amc eventualy takes down shields, i think the culmative damage of all shots fired on the shield wears down the shield (this might be already added) this would mean that could seriously buff small guns fired in mass and increase the overal damage on the hull (in number of pieces of the ship destroyed) and also make it harder for fighters to take down huge ships on their own, which i know really pisses players of.

    3) I also noticed that not a lot of lasers were being used, and instead domacles used artillery type guns that do explosive damage. I suggest this be implemented in the game but make this new gun not very effective against shields, but powerful against hull. It would also make it better than a missile in some ways as it would not have to lock on/ take ages to reload. But missiles will still be useful as they have the ability to lock on.

    link: http://elite.frontier.co.uk/

    sorry if i bored u to death :/
    Jul 3, 2013
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    1st: most modern wet ships either use missiles, or in the case they use cannons, they don\'t broadside, ever. it exposes more to your enemy makes you a bigger target, and is takes a while to get into position. 2nd big guns are not always the best, yes, but a big ship needs a lots of small guns and at least one BIG gun, to take out heavy cruisers or stronger, while the small guns are for fighters and corvettes. 3rd even modern ships are using lasers (well, prototype stage...) to shoot down drones and missiles (although I think the minigun system is more common due to it being made earleir), cannons in space are a great idea... if you\'re willing to waste fuel to keep them from pushing you back...
    Jul 27, 2013
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    Actually artillar, most big ships do broadside, or atleast used to, battleships in ww2 always did it, so they could fire all their massive powerful guns at once.


    Chronic Troublemaker
    Jun 23, 2013
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    As to your suggestions,

    Yes, in real life, battleships of old would \"fire broadside\", as it would allow all of their main guns to fire upon a single target simultaneously. However, these were usually pretty long range. In space, it\'s less effective as you can mount a gun anywhere on a ship. Starmade-wise, the render distance is tiny and broadsides would just expose more of your ship to fire.

    As to the AMC claim, I\'m pretty sure it\'s impossible to not have culmative damage, as damage isn\'t calculated one source at a time. It\'s just less effective and effecient, so no one really does that.

    Weapon-wise, I would like to see an explosive mortar type gun being implemented as well, and a gun that does damage through kinetic energy (think bullets). I\'d also like to see laser-like guns being ingame, but that isn\'t relevant.

    Broadsides would be mostly for looks and those people that like to RP. I do support directional fire as well as directional cockpits, for the same reason.
    Sep 15, 2013
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    battleships are designed to fire from incredibly long range, they were the artillery of the seas. this is why they were made obsolete by carriers, since planes can travel much farther than shells.
    Sep 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    Hmm i just though it would be an easier way to deal with ships on your sides since a capitals turning circle is so slow
    Sep 8, 2013
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    Regardless of whether or not it\'s realistic or effective, what have you, let\'s have the ability to make side-mounted guns anyway!

    We\'re the players, we like to customize our ships. If I wanna make some broadside cannons, I should be able too!

    \"Turrets fire at sides meow meow meow\" I don\'t care, I wanna have guns on the side of my ship!

    Also, a simple fix for wanting a \"Cannon\" would be to make the d1000 \"Dumb Fire\" missile have way more projectile speed. Like, 200% more. You\'ll never hit a moving target with those currently.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    what I really want in the game right now is some kind of really rapid fire machinegun because, well, who doesnt want to see hundreds of tracer rounds being exchanged every second between 2 huge ships? with their shields glowing brighter than the sun.