Electro-Sapper Missile

    Jul 9, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen

    Right, here's the dealio; Electro Sapper Missiles. What are they?

    Electro-Sapper Missiles are Manual-Lock on missiles that are capable of freezing energy production for a short while. They cause practically no damage, only freeze energy production.

    Having more ES Missiles bunched together would enable the missiles to fly faster, freeze energy production for longer and increase reload speeds.

    I can see this being useful for fights. It can hault a ship's energy production, meaning the ship will only have it's reserved power left untill systems are operational again. This would make great use of the Power Storage blocks too, encouraging more players to use them.

    This idea still needs to be built up on, but if you find this suggestion interesting, please try to get it out there! I'll keep making suggestions towards Star-Made, and hopefully won't be told to stop making posts. :eek:
