Drones and Gravity Plus traps plus random thoughts

    Dec 9, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen

    You come across a weak looking noob transport. You think, I'll do my pirate thing here.... You shoot at it and suddenly the sky is full of angry bees chasing you off or destroying you.

    Basically, these would be ai drones, like an + sign in space targetting enemy ships.

    Gravity Traps

    You come across a tasty looking undefended base. You fly in, looking for goodies. Suddenly, alarms go off. You can only move very slowly. You need to find the Gravity Plus block and turn it off (if you don't have enough thrust/firepower to esape) before the Big Spider comes to collect. How exciting would that be?

    Basically it would work on the principle of

    if e=1 and d=1 and loc=xyz then gb =1 and a=1

    where e = non faction ship

    and d = doors opened and closed

    and loc = a certain position is reached

    and gb = gravity block activated

    and a = alarm activated


    Another thing we need is weapon limitation. So that if a ship has less than x blocks it can only carry y amount of armanents or at least blocks of armaments.

    less than 20 blocks = 1 weapon type (or ten blocks of weapon)

    Less than 40 Blocks = 2, or 20, etc.

    Nov 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    Drones sound a lot like fighters on other parts of the forum. Would be neat to have them cloakable though

    Gravity mines. Instead of being like an active security system I think it would be nice to have a more traditional mine setup.

    radar/visual cloaked, has a proximity sensor and is programmable in things like how far it looks for targets, a time delay, moving to a target, letting people know via message that something is happening

    Wither it slows the target down, simply explodes, or drags a turret array over should all be options