Dread Syndicate's Shipyard Thread

    Mar 9, 2014
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    Hello shipyard enthusiast's. Today I've decided to stop hiding in the Corner over at GenXnova and post something here. But anyway this is likely where I will be posting all Dread Syndicate produced ships.

    Find more info about us here

    Titan Class DRYN Watcher

    The Capital class "Watcher" Was built in 3025 AD By Dread Syndicate's Ginatus shipyard. The reason for commission of the warship was due to the ongoing civil war that was happening through 2890AD to 3029 AD that had brought many problems to the empire of Dread Syndicate.

    Her history is long and quite troublesome. At the time of her commissioning the turrets she was using caused major problems for the ship. The turrets used magnetic impulse drives to push the head away from the base.

    However due to an internal warpdrive being used on the ship the turret would need to be lowered for transwarp or the magnetic impulse drive would offset the nav computer leading to inaccuracy.

    Due to the nature of a magnetic impulse drive other ships couldn't get to close while the ship's turrets where extended or they would risk being sucked towards the ship.

    In 3027 this caused a light cruiser to be pulled out of warp and collide into BRM Watcher causing massive damage to both ships. The light cruisers was destroyed completely beyond repair however the Watcher was still salvageable and due to the lack of capital ships it was decided to do so but at the cost of much more man hours than desired.

    15 weeks after this event the Watcher was back in action and was ordered to head to the dimnis sector and join homefleet one in the taking back of one of the homeworlds, Zusc.

    In the battle of Zusc BRM Watcher knocked out three cruisers and five light destroyers but suffered a loss of one of her three main 780MM turrets and the back half of her proteus core generators leading to her having to retreat from battle.

    After repairs she again joined homefleet one for the assault on one of the core worlds, Ginatus where she along with four other capital class ships completely wiped out the defence station around Ginatus and all of the surrounding ships including two capital class flagships.

    However her sistership, BRM Witcher was lost in the battle of Ginatus when one of her four turrets imploded and started a chain reaction leading to the implosion of the warp drive.

    After this event the magnetic impulse drives were covered with armored bulkheads to prevent this from happening again at the cost of reduced turret rotation.

    What happened between her commissioning and 3027 AD isn't known at this current time.

    She received the stripes of victory due to her crew's actions in the battle of Ginatus noted by the red and white stripes across the length of the ship.

    Although at the time of her commissioning she was at the top of the class when it came to tech her aging design leaves much to be desired.

    She is still in service to this day and is currently conducting peaceful trade route policing. Though her design is aged she is still more then capable of fighting her own battles and through continuous upgrades her age still hasn't dampened the fighting spirit of this vessel.

    You can find screenshots of this majestic ship here http://imgur.com/a/XBPEn

    Titan Class DRYN Definity
    The Capital class DRYN Definity was built in 4725AD by Dread Syndicate Industries at Ginatus shipyards.

    She was, at the time of her comissioning top of her class and thus came with the very best Dread Syndicate could offer, Due to this fact the ship was expensive and the time put into the project ment that half way through it was not logical to cancel the project.

    Despite early concerns that this class of ships were illogical and a waste of time and money the project was continued and finished but due to the nature of such tech testing had to be done thus the ship wasn't put into service until 4728 AD

    She was then in 4728 AD finally put into the fleet's roster and commissioned for full service.

    The ship was first assigned to Admiral Zack Corvac in 4729 AD soon after it was built and went on to be the pride of its fleet boasting the finest crew and the best weapons available at the time.

    Flagship of admiral Zack Corvac and lead ship of the Destiny Class of warships she fought alongside the admiral throughout his life and even continued after his death in 4957 AD to fight with honor in his name.

    She had a history unlike any other, serving under the command of Admiral Zack Corvac for over 50 years she fought in countless battles along side the finest fleet in the galaxy consisting of some of the most old and well decorated ships ever made by any of the five empires.

    Surpassing and even beating entirely other designs from Dread Syndicate Industries she became the image of the empire along with its famed captain and admiral, Zack Corvac.

    Her first major victory came sometime after 4733AD when she along with 650 other ships including the victory class super titan wiped out an entire fleet in one of the largest battles this generation has ever seen.

    In the battle of jimus sector 5 she along with seven heavy escort cruiser four carriers and five light dreadnoughts engaged a fleet of one titan five light escort cruiser seven heavy carriers five heavy Destroyers and one flagship.

    Against odds they closed within range of the main battery of Definity and opened fire.
    The first casualty was from the enemy who lost one of their main heavy cruisers from fire from DRYN definity and the battle insuded. Further casualties came from a ship on Dread Syndicate's side when one of the 7 heavy escort cruisers was hit by a torpedo from one of the heavy destroyers
    and due to this it's warpdrive imploded.
    DRYN Definity moved into engagement range to engage the enemy titan class. Taking heavy damage the DRYN Definity engaged hypershielding and moved full power to the front rightside shield as the ship moved left to bring fire to its starboard to better make use of its main heavy turrets and shielding it then began bringing back the battle.
    It finished the engagement when Zack Corvac ordered all power to thrust and moved the ship below the arc of the turrets that were firing on DRYN Definity and used its main M.A.C cannon to implode the enemy titan's reactor.

    However it wasn't all good news DRYN Definity had to withdraw as it had taken damage to its outer armor, reactor shield deployers and one of its turrets. It could have been much worse if the actions Zack Corvac took were not at the right time and were not carried out by the best crew in the fleet.

    After repairs and the shutdown of one of the six main 480MM turrets DRYN Definity returned to the battle and rejoined the fleet who had already lost many ships including 3 heavy escort cruisers and one light dreadnought.
    One of the 5 carriers was ordered to withdraw by Zack Corvac despite the crew wanting to stand and fight due to the fact that the carrier had lost most of the front half of the ship and had major damage to external armor and shields.

    Once DRYN Definity returned to battle the Admiral ordered all remaining forces to withdraw to Definity's position for a final assault on the remaining enemy fleet.
    Via tactics and raw luck Definity and its fleet of ships managed an incredible feat, They outmanoeuvred the enemy fleet and got behind to assault their carriers and the remaining forces who had engaged assault mode and were unable to move.

    Due to this and concentrated fire all remaining forces were completely wiped out. The devastating loss forced the enemy to withdraw to sector 7 and reorganize their fleet of ships.
    However sector 5 wasn't the only sector inside the jimus system whom had conflict and thus Definity was redeployed and went on to lead an assault on a core homeworld.

    This, However is a story for another time..

    Despite its pitfalls DRYN Definity went on to be regarded as one of the best projects undertaken and possibly a war winning device she served the empire well and was even awarded the metal "Defender of the Empire" one of the highest possible to get.

    The logo of Dread Syndicate was even imprinted into the hull of the ship one of the highest honors a ship could have.

    DRYN Definity will never be forgotten and will live on for centuries to come.

    DRYN Definity is still currently in service and is along with the watcher one of the oldest ships in the empire.

    You can find images of this ship here http://imgur.com/a/8vgnX

    There will be more to come as we expand into other areas
    Current project: Shipyard Completion
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    Reactions: Jake_Lancia
    Mar 9, 2014
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    It looks too simple.
    And I like that.
    The lore dictates why it's a simple hull, The empire is at war and can't afford many capital class ships they can't afford to produce better ships or other types of capital class ships and they need construction times to be low
    The ship is apart of Bluerain's fleet which means she is apart of a military and military things are not made with looks in mind.

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
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    Ehh could do with some raised grey armor plating.

    Solid looking though.
    Mar 9, 2014
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    Due to a majority vote from our members, Bluerain has changed it's name to "Dread Syndicate"

    This is a sad event for myself, As we have had this name for 3-4 years now.

    Majority reason: Bluerain is a common clan name. (other games have that name taken alot)