docking orientations

    Oct 7, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    I am not so much asking for help, as offering it, as I'm sure many others will have the same questions i did.

    I was trying to make a carrier for other smaller ships, and whenever i was trying to dock, it kept saying the area was too small, and it was frustrating me because i could fit the ship into the green square. The problem is the natural way the ships are orientated with the docking modules.

    So here's how it works:

    Your main ship has a front direction of course, it also has an "up" "down" "left", and "right", going off of the view you have when your in flight mode. so if you make a docking module that is pointing up, the docked ship will point forward, along with the main ship. The same is true if you have your module pointing to either side, as if you wanted your ships to dock on your side walls.

    If you make the module pointing firward or back, so they would again be on a wall (but more your front or back if you will) then the ship seems to point down. if you make your module pointing down, as if you wanted ships to dock underneath you, then she ships will curiously point backwards.

    So you need to keep this in mind when making carriers. I think it kind of sucks, because that means i have to make my hangars a little funky to accomodate this weird placement it defaults to. I hope there is an update where you can also choose which direction the ships orientate to when docked.

    I hope that makes sense, and if anyone else has anything more to add to it i would appreciate it.

    I have yet to see how this works regarding space stations.