Docking orientations and positions

    Aug 28, 2013
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    Part 1 applies to both turret and fixed docking ports. Now that Schema is implementing a system that supports more forms of rotation, docking ports should be able to be oriented in 24 different directions (6 faces of the cube, 4 directions for each face) and have the craft face in the same direction. Other people have brought this one up before. (EDIT: so this was in the edit and I didn't realize. Yay!)

    Part 2 should apply to both types of docking ports but might not be as feasible for the turrets. Many people have suggested that the geometric center of the shp be used as the reference for docking instead of the core, and I somewhat agree. I would say that if the core cannot be centered then the geometric center also be avalible for use. (Note: I imagine for ease of coding turrets would still rotate about their cores.

    Part 3 is for fixed docking ports. So suppose you want to dock a shuttle to the side of your ship and have it be horizontal, like this. Currently with the system we have now you would be out of luck, because the shuttle would be tilted sideways. The shuttle should take its orientation from the docking module, but where it docks is dependant on the surroundings of the docking module. So the docking box will be located on the only open face of the docking module that can fit that size docking module, or if there are multiple of those towards the outside of the vessel (so above core = up, below core = down, behind core = back, etc.)
    Jan 1, 2013
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    I apologize for not being quite clear on the news post.

    \"Turrets and Docked ship can now have their default orientation modified. Your docking zone will still need to avoid being Red (This should be based on the orientation of the dock block, youll get an arrow to help with that)\"

    What this means is you can modify how a ship/turret will dock, so you will have all 24 possible orientations.
    Aug 28, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Top Forum Contributor
    • Legacy Citizen
    Ah, so part one is already on the way. Thanks for giving us that feature.