Docked ship direction

    Feb 18, 2015
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    I set on my big ship some external docking ports for guests that would like to join my ship and travel some time together. Not knowing what size will they be, I simply set up for each of the docking ports an area a bit larger than the mothership itself, thinking it will cover all situations. (And in the unlikely case a guest ship is way bigger than mine, maybe I should dock to them and not them to me, lol!)

    Now, the docking ports placed above my ship make the ship docked to them point forward, like we are flying together, just as I intended. The docking ports placed under my ship have ships docked to them face the opposite direction than my ship. How do I change their direction to make ships docked to them face forward?

    answer would be useful. I do not mind taking out and placing again all my dock enhancers if this solves the problem, but I do mind docked ships with bottom forward, like they could fart in my nose.
    Aug 3, 2013
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    long answer shortened you have found the 0one reason why the docking system is getting changed.

    currently, with the system, you can't change which way docked entities dock. which is why its changing. as for how, the details are still not as of yet known. it the next big but secret project.
    Last edited:


    Nov 10, 2013
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    Pretty much what Wolfe said, it isn't possible in the game as of yet.
    You can however play with chain docking to get him pointed in the right direction. Docking a ship sideways, then docking a ship to the side of the already docked ship facing down will result in the end ship pointing forwards, and being upsidedown.
    Feb 18, 2015
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    TY. OK, it was not the answer I expected, but it is a useful one. So for the next ships I would better only use docks above main ship. Gotta test the sides sooner or later. I was expecting something about docking enhancers orientation or something, but there are hundreds of them for every dock so I thought I would better ask first. Ty.