Dimitriye98's Suggestion Thread

    Jun 22, 2013
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    Table of Contents

    1. Stairs and Ladders
    2. Stamp Tool
    3. Docking Clamps
    4. Gravity and Sector Transitions
    5. Enhanced Cockpits

    1: Stairs and Ladders

    For stairs it's pretty self-explanatory, you place them, and you can walk up them, it would be nice if the functionality extended to wedge blocks as well though.

    When it comes to ladders, what would be nice would be you press 'r' or whatever your activation key is on it and use 'q'/'e' or whatever you've rebound them to to move up and down. In addition, you can turn and jump off the ladder at any point, immediately releasing it. Ladders should be placeable in any direction, allowing you to place them for movement along the outside of your ship in zero-g.

    2: Stamp Tool

    Basically a button in advanced build mode that lets you select a group of blocks and stamp them elsewhere. Essentially a copy-paste tool.

    3: Docking Clamps

    Yes, I know docking ports already exist. Docking clamps would connect any two ships or a ship and structure, regardless of size. However, both ships would require a matching set of docking clamps. In order to use docking clamps, they would require a "clamp computer", for lack of a better term. Firing with the clamp computer selected would fire docking beams from each clamp. The arangement of clamps on each ship would need to be the same (note that this includes computer connections, so four identically arranged docking clamps still won't connect if on the passive ship1 they're actually 2 pairs connected to separate computers), otherwise you won't be able to connect. When you connect, the docking clamps will match up perfectly, as if the two ships shared the same world grid. The passive ship would then be the one in control. In addition, anyone in the gravity of the active ship2 would instead be in the gravity of the passive ship, and gravity modules in the active ship would behave as such. This would allow for a ship to connect airlock to airlock to a station or other ship, allowing for much nicer docking systems, as well as allowing two similarily sized vessels to dock to eachother.

    1The ship not firing its docking lasers.
    2The ship firing its docking lasers at the passive ship.

    4: Gravity and Sector Transitions

    This one's really simple, players in the gravity of a ship should transfer sector boundaries with it, instead of being left behind.

    5: Enhanced Cockpits

    Placing a cockpit facing in a direction should make the camera face that way when said cockpit is switched to. I noticed it didn't because I was trying to make a rear-facing one for backing into hangars. In addition, you should be able to enter your core through cockpits.
    Jun 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    all nice but the end of 5, forcing a core to be slightly exposed or hard to get to balances out huge ships, because if a person places a core exposed or under one block for conveinence then fighters could have a fair chance at disabling them
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    I don\'t really care that much about enterable cockpits. It would just be nice when I\'m building supercompact fighters.