Desync/Sectors Stop Loading

    Oct 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hello all -

    I've been running my own server for some friends for a few days now and so far it's mostly going well, however I've had one issue that's still causing trouble.

    Sometimes after crossing a few sectors to reach a shop/base, etc I'll notice that all the sector markers are behind me, meaning that I seem to have outran them, and the correct sectors no longer load around me. During this issue I can not fight, mine, build etc. This issue usually only happens to me, but once also happened to my friend who was following me.

    When this happens the only way to recover is to log out, come back in, and use a ship core to find where my ship actually was (sometimes 2000m+ away depending on how fast I notice.) I have speed capped at 100 currently.

    Is anyone familiar with this issue? Perhaps have a solution I can implement? If not, even a console command I might use to reset my position would be amazing.

    Server hardware is a quad Xeon and 6GB of RAM allocated.