Desktop Icon

    Jul 4, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hi guys, not sure this is the right place to post, but I'll try here, im new to the game, and I noticed that the desktop Icon for the game had no Icon art, just plain, so I what I did is take the logo from the site and make a functional desktop Icon for you guys to use.

    How to use:

    First you need to move your launcher from your desktop to inside the "starmade folder", this will be where ever you put it, on your desktop or what ever, I put mine in my program files, anyway, once you do that, make a shortcut of the launcher on the desktop...

    Once you have done that right click on the shortcut and selecet "properties", you should be taken to a small box on the tab called "shortcut", now all you do is click on a button called change Icon, here another window opens, click on the "browse" button, now go through your files and select the "StarMadeIcon" and click ok, after that click "Apply" and then "OK".

    Now for the important part, run the game from the Icon, notice it says no game detected, hit the update button and it will install, but dont go in game yet! or you will have no content! so go off that launcher now, now you need to go right click on your Icon and hit "open file location" now. inside there will be all your game files, but notice also another folder called, "Starmade" this is a new download of the game and where the game will be running from now on, so, you need to take all the files apart from the launcher, from the folder that the "shortcut" on your desktop links to, and past them inside the new "starmade" folder which is located within, say yes to overwrite, so then you have all your content the same as you knew before and no data loss.

    Thanks to the guys who made this game, and all credit for the Icon art/Logo to them.



    Jun 22, 2013
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    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    yeah i have made my ovn staramde icon
    Jan 18, 2014
    Reaction score
    Well, i had the starmade folder and the starmade-starter in a folder and a shortcut on the desktop and that\'s how i used to run it. Now i just changed the icon and it still runs. I don\'t see why things you said in step 3 should happen.